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  1. L

    23w CFL + Miracle-Gro Moisture Control + 100% sativa + 12/12 from clone

    I'm gonna deff have to watch this , I'll let you know when I have my grow journal up and running
  2. L

    miracle gro sucks? lol

    I'll be ordering some seeds in the next week or two so I'll have a journal started
  3. L

    miracle gro sucks? lol

    sadly alot of them add nutes to soon
  4. L

    Fruit Flies... how to kill?

    or just leave a glass of water out cuz when I go to sleep and I wake up I always have a fruit fly in my water
  5. L

    miracle gro sucks? lol

    Stright to the point No Merical Grow doesn't suck if you know how to use it. Its not reayl recomended for noobs to use because the the nutes that are added into it. Don't start nuting untill the plant is 1 month old.
  6. L

    clones? this is really fuced up WHY? HELP ME!

    if the lid has little vents on teh top you can open them very little and every so offtin open the vent up more
  7. L

    clones? this is really fuced up WHY? HELP ME!

    if they don't have roots then they need that humid
  8. L

    miracle gro sucks? lol

    that's what I was trying to say , its because of the growers that don't bother reading and try to add to much nutes to early that cause the probs
  9. L

    miracle gro sucks? lol

    well mg has nutes in it and when alot of new growers use it they add nutes to soon so the added nutes give the plants to much nutes
  10. L

    miracle gro sucks? lol

    I'll be using MG for my very first grow
  11. L

    Epsom salt, how much, how often?

    do it once and wait to see if it needs any more. to much itsn't good
  12. L

    Epsom salt, how much, how often?

    I whent to my local hydro store to buy some and he told me that I could use a bit of it in the water to increase the Resin production
  13. L

    Fruit Flies... how to kill?

    fresh pineapple I find works the best
  14. L

    Fruit Flies... how to kill?

    I've had frute flys around the house and found the method I sayed works way better then the tape
  15. L

    miracle gro sucks? lol

    you can use Merical Grow the only reason why people don't use / like it is because they add to much nutes and it causes burns. 1 - don't use alot of nutes 2 - do a soil flush every 2 weeks
  16. L

    Fruit Flies... how to kill?

    - sticky fly tape - cut up a few peaces of fresh frute (pineapple works awsome) , cover the bowl with plastic wrap poke some small holes into it and when they get into it they can't get back out
  17. L

    Epsom salt, how much, how often?

    use a very weak mix per 1L of water there are 2 ways you can use it on your plants 1 - give it some while watering 2 - very weak foliar spray but do it when the plants aren't in direct light cuz this will cause hot spots on the leafs