Search results

  1. I

    mushroom spores kits shipping to the uk

    I've used Red Eye Frog before. I think the law change meant the rules on grow kits was tightened as I can't seem to get anything in my local head shops anymore and the kits I used to buy were a lot different to these ones. They have to sell the grow kits and the spores seperately. However, those...
  2. I

    NL 50 days into flower pop bottle, almost done?

    Really impressive getting it looking that good in such a small container. Well done. Hope you get a good yield - keep us posted!
  3. I

    Drug Etiquette!!!

    YouTube - Musical Youth Pass the Dutchie
  4. I

    1st Grow (bag seed, cfls)

    amazing pics man. making my mouth water. looks like you've pretty much done everything right first time! Been lurking on the site for a while and this is the nicest 1st grow I've seen so far... Definitely influencing my plans for a first grow :). How much are you hoping to yield altogether?
  5. I

    Coughing and Growing

    But coughing gets you so much more stoned :blsmoke:
  6. I

    Hi from the UK

    Hi, Looks like a nice site you've got here. Found it through Google when beginning my 'preliminary research'. I'm moving out of my current place within 6 months and am looking to set up a small grow operation in the new flat. Just enough for personal use. Got a decent connection in my current...