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  1. M

    Is this Female or is this a Hermie?

    Thank you all ;) Great to hear!
  2. M

    Is this Female or is this a Hermie?

    And that is a really healthy looking plant you got there!
  3. M

    Is this Female or is this a Hermie?

    I actually don't know the type for that strand, but I do have some other plants that are called "Aussie Blue" . I had trouble with the lighting on my first plant (the tall one), so it is a bit sparse, but here are some pics of the aussie blue strains at three different stages. I wasn't sure if...
  4. M

    Is this Female or is this a Hermie?

    Just new to the scene is all ;)
  5. M

    Is this Female or is this a Hermie?

    Hi, I am new to growing, and I have a plant that has started to flower a bit early, and I want to know if any of you can tell if it is a hermie or female. I'm thinking it's female, but... let me know! Thank you. 12/12 lighting schedule -I wasn't sure if the uploader was working, so I left some...
  6. M

    Is this Female or is this a Hermie?

    Hi, I am new to growing, and I have a plant that has started to flower a bit early, and I want to know if any of you can tell if it is a hermie or female. I'm thinking it's female, but... let me know! Thank you. 12/12 lighting schedule -I wasn't sure if the uploader worked, so i left some direct...
  7. M

    Is this Female or is this a Hermie?

    I'm thinking that this plant is female, but I wanted to get other's opinions. I wasn't sure if it was a hermaphordite or not... <a href="Image of Please be Female - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting" target="_blank"><img src=""...