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  1. F


    Hey, is this actually a good schedule to follow?
  2. F

    lights, camera, procrastination.

    Hey, I'm currently having a very similar problem and I also can't figure it out. Did you ever come to a conclusion? I went from CA to Potassium and now i'm back to thinking it's calcium. I grow using RDWC and am using AN ph perfect with close to 700 true watts of led. I've also heard it's...
  3. F

    Advanced Nutrients ph perfect questions

    Yea i meant the times not the amount. I've been running 50% myself. You don't even need the grow bottles. Bloom works great from seed to harvest. :D Gl bro
  4. F

    Advanced Nutrients ph perfect questions

    I would stop big bud at week 6. Then overdrive until flush. AN calculator is actually spot on for this.
  5. F

    Moving to WA and need some clarification on the MM laws

    How easy is it to actually get a recommendation? is it similar to California?
  6. F

    grow more fertilizer ???

    Urea is bad in coco?
  7. F

    grow more fertilizer ???

    Thanks for taking the time to reply again! Your plant looks great. How much do you think it will yield? and how long did you veg it for? Maybe the fact I'm using coco has something to do with it too. ;(
  8. F

    grow more fertilizer ???

    Hi! What would you recommend for veg? Would mixing still be better or would 1/2 tsp per gal ap with some calmag be fine? I think my plants arent as green or as big as they should be. Im feeling like gh 3 part did me better last grow though i have moved back to autos.
  9. F

    grow more fertilizer ???

    thanks for taking the time to reply to me Az. I'm using the "h3ad" feed schedule which is 6ml gal micro and 9ml gal bloom. Instead of doing it per 1 gal I do it per 1.5 gal so my feed is a little watered down. So you think if I did 1/2 tsp of HBB and 3ml cal mag it wouldn't be good? I actually...
  10. F

    grow more fertilizer ???

    I'm currently using the GH 3 part (hard water) 6/9 head schedule except I use 1.5 gals of water and don't adjust the nutes. Also add Botanicare calmag 3ml per 1.5 gal with every feed. @ day like 69 in a 12/12 from seed coco/perlite hempy. I wanted to completely cut out the GH 3 part and just...
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    grow more fertilizer ???

    Gonna go ahead and give the Grow more a try in coco/perlite hempy in my next grow. I'm already tempted to use some hawaiian bud on my current grow that has about 4 weeks left.
  12. F

    grow more fertilizer ???

    damn that sucks. I'd at least like to be able to use sea grow in hempy buckets. I just see myself leaving soil for hempy and rather not have all that fert go to waste lol. I guess i can always try it though.
  13. F

    grow more fertilizer ???

    Anyone use these nutes in DWC or Hempy? I wanted to try them in DWC but I use dutch master root zone and it kills bennies. Does that mean I wouldn't be able to use sea grow in my res?