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  1. C

    Help with soil mix/feeding please!

    I just watered with calmag and liquid karma (5ml calmag/1.5tsp liquid karma) as well as foliar fed @1.5tsp in a spray bottle with warm RO.
  2. C

    Help with soil mix/feeding please!

    I mixed up a new batch of soil as follows: *1 bag happy frog soil (2 cubic feet) *1 bag ocean forest (1.5cubic feet) *1 bag peat/perlite mix (3 cubic feet) *1.5tbs Epsoma garden lime per gallon of soil *half a bag of EWC I use RO water, soil ph is at exactly 7 I am having some weird lockout...
  3. C

    Need some help in veg please!

    for veg I use calmag and sometimes a little earth juice grow. for flower I use pure blend pro bloom
  4. C

    Need some help in veg please!

    Thanks for the reply man, so since I have the lime in there I can water with a really low ph? When I mix all my nutes together the ph is like 4.5!
  5. C

    Need some help in veg please!

    I have been having consistent issues in my garden with what I believe are cal/mag deficiencies. Soil: 25%FFOF, 25% Happy Frog, 50% peat&perlite mix (also added 2tbs lime/gal and some EWC) Light: 4' 8 bulb T5 about 4" from canopy, temps are 75-82 *RO WATER* I give 5ml botanicare calmag with...
  6. C

    Weird stuff going on 4weeks flower.. need help!

    It's actually a different strain & similar issue but thanks for the reply..
  7. C

    Weird stuff going on 4weeks flower.. need help!

    Hi guys, I have some plants that will be 4 weeks flower this friday. They are in Roots organic soil (camo bag) and I don't know if I am seeing deficiency or toxicity! The only nutes I have fed is (15ml Pure blend pro bloom, 5ml calmag/gal) It isn't heat or light stress either, because temps...
  8. C

    Have you guys ever seen this?? Help please!

    6 weeks into flower and I'm seeing this weird browning of the smaller new growth bud sites and some larger leaves as well?? I did flush and then I started to see this problem.. could it be (p) or (k) ?
  9. C

    Have you guys ever seen this..?

    The T5 (4' 8 bulb) was 2" from canopy at first, now it is about 8" away. I am in a soil mix (perlite,vermic,peat, worm castings and lime) I was feeding 5ml calmag/ gallon and Pure Blend metabolic grow @ 1TBS with every watering. I haven't seen any new growth in over a week! are they dead? I...
  10. C

    Have you guys ever seen this..?

    I have no idea what is happening to some of my ladies.. brown sides/edges and folding up like a canoe?? I was thinking maybe light/heat stress? I had my T5 8 bulb about 2" at first and it was pretty hot.. but now I have a fan and temps at 79
  11. C

    Water only soil build for 3 gallon pots

    I have been looking for an answer but can really find a sure thing.. Can I mix up a water only soil mix that will carry all the way through harvest in 3 gallon pots? Apparently sub's mix is too hot to use in a 3 gal pot
  12. C

    Are these girls toast? Pics & need some help please!!

    So this basically goes against what everyone else thinks.. I appreciate your help but can you explain why you think it's too much N instead of it actually being starved?
  13. C

    Are these girls toast? Pics & need some help please!!

    I think I may have burnt these girls under my 4' 8 bulb T5.. I flushed but don't see any improvements.. Are these plants dead or what, I have not seen any new growth in over a week! light is 14" from canopy and temps rarely get over 80.
  14. C

    Light/Nute burn, bleaching.. weird stuff!! PLEASE HELP

    So what should I do to ease the transition between T5 and flower under the 600w hps
  15. C

    Light/Nute burn, bleaching.. weird stuff!! PLEASE HELP

    I had the T5 about 2" from the canopy, with a fan blowing on the table. The hps is air cooled and about 7" from canopy
  16. C

    Light/Nute burn, bleaching.. weird stuff!! PLEASE HELP

    Hi everyone, I recently moved some girls from veg (4' 8 bulb T5) into flower under my 600W HPS. Before I moved them into flower room I think some of the plant got burnt by the T5? What does this pic look like to you guys? I was giving them (5ml Calmag, 1TBS Botanicare Metabolic Grow) every...