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  1. Airegin

    Full extract cannabis oil question

    The danger is that he says it is aggravating his acid reflux. It shouldn't do that and people with acid reflux shouldn't ignore it. Later in life reflux turns into Barrett's esophagus.
  2. Airegin

    Full extract cannabis oil question

    I can't help with your type of extract, I use BHO. But if there is any everclear left in your oil and you are eating it and have troubles with acid reflux, then I would say yes there is a danger. Get your acid reflux under control now. Don't ignore it and don't ingest any strong alcohol that...
  3. Airegin

    Connoisseur Genetics Old School Haze

    I haven't seen them available since the freebie giveaway. I was fortunate enough to get 2 free beans with an order of sssdh. Here's what Connoisseur Genetics says about it: "Well this was more a personal project but ended up with extra seeds so i thought i share some with our friends at...
  4. Airegin

    seeds in TX

    I've had good luck with Attitude in the past. (to ATX) But I had an order nabbed a couple weeks ago, they reshipped and it got through ok. I used to order from BCSC but it's been too many years, I don't know how they are these days. I know their Afghan Dream is a great IBL. Once you make a...
  5. Airegin

    Cool Pics from my Grow

    Great job they look sweet!! Wish I knew how to take pics that detailed!!!
  6. Airegin

    Connoisseur Genetics Old School Haze

    I haven't smoked any yet, this is the first run with the OSH and they have a week or more to go yet. I'm interested myself. Growing they don't smell very much that I can tell but my white widow overpowers the other smells. Kinda a earthy smell. Now the sssdh I have grown out once and that...
  7. Airegin

    Connoisseur Genetics Old School Haze

    Thanks dluck!!
  8. Airegin

    600w: Bay 11, Green Crack, Martian Kush, Snowcap LA, and White Fire OG

    Sorry to hear about the thieves!! It's good to see you bouncing back from such an experience. They all look great man, so healthy!! They are going to finish pretty big huh? Is that coco?
  9. Airegin

    Connoisseur Genetics Old School Haze

    Thanks kentuckyboy!! I never had foxtailing like this!! It's the haze genetics.
  10. Airegin

    Connoisseur Genetics Old School Haze

    My 4 x 4 mom and cutting starter tent. Still transplanting in there,after that is done then I'll sweep up, lol. I'm just an old guy growing for med and recreational purposes. Nothing fancy. Thanks for looking.
  11. Airegin

    Connoisseur Genetics Old School Haze

    My high tech bubble cloner. A bowl with an air stone in it. Styrofoam from a rib eye steak floating on top.
  12. Airegin

    Connoisseur Genetics Old School Haze

    White widow...don't know who from. I got a cutting from a friend about 5 years ago and really like it so I keep a mom.
  13. Airegin

    Connoisseur Genetics Old School Haze

    About 5 or 6 months ago Attitude was giving away these experimental beans from Connoisseur Genetics. They called them old school haze. I got 2 free beans that both popped and I took cuttings from them. These are some of them at week 8 1/2 of flowering.
  14. Airegin

    Texas Growers Unite! He just turned down a plea deal to reduce the charge to a second degree felony, punishable from two to 20 years in prison. He had to do it in Wilco instead of Travis...
  15. Airegin

    anything you need to know. ask here.

    Why does the porridge bird lay his egg in the air?
  16. Airegin

    Hello folks!!

    Hi, I don't understand post #3. But I'm baked and it's early lol.
  17. Airegin

    Hello folks!!

    Hi , I've been reading here for a couple weeks so I thought I would join. Really cool site here!! Coco grower old guy. Just thought I should say hello. :) Thanks for letting me look around.