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  1. Richard Simmons

    he won't let me tell anyone as he is using it as a personal one. I can give you his email...

    he won't let me tell anyone as he is using it as a personal one. I can give you his email.
  2. Richard Simmons

    Sinmints Just dropped this morning on the Tude

    Indeed your not... you could never be so sexually attractive as myself.
  3. Richard Simmons


  4. Richard Simmons

    Poll: Can you drive after using cannabis

    Some things effect people in different ways, there have been studies that support drivers who smoke marijuana. Less aggressive and also take less risks.
  5. Richard Simmons

    Secret Shed Grow Room Build...Need Advice 15x15

    Someone needs to go back to high school.
  6. Richard Simmons

    Have you been Swerved?

    Someone has just reported being swerved
  7. Richard Simmons

    The politics forum has gone to shit, along with BNB

    You afford school bro
  8. Richard Simmons

    The politics forum has gone to shit, along with BNB

    If you haven't seen blazing saddles you've obviously been jerking off to the wrong porn
  9. Richard Simmons

    The politics of politics

    Sizzurp from the wizzurp
  10. Richard Simmons

    Poor, impoverished Hullary

    Just like every other thread on this board, Garbage.
  11. Richard Simmons

    Dogshit smelling strains?

    anything with pinworm in it
  12. Richard Simmons

    Poor, impoverished Hullary

    Oh god, I love bacon but not with hullary next to it.
  13. Richard Simmons

    Today's 1st Smoke of the Day

    This belongs in toke n talk, but I suppose your just another sock puppet too.