Search results

  1. BecomingDankGod

    Chocolate infused mushrooms

    I've had a handful of mushroom experiences but one time my friend came across little ginger bread shape chocolates that had shrooms inside. It was one of my more re memorable experiences. I was just wondering if anyone else has had experience with chocolate shrooms or recipes. :mrgreen: I'd love...
  2. BecomingDankGod

    psychedelic drug use and your offsprings

    I was just wondering if anybody had any thoughts about using psychedelics and/or other drugs and its effects on your offsprings later on in life. Either in a positive or negative way. I will elaborate more on the subject later :lol:after I get some more feedback. Thanks!! BTDG:bigjoint:
  3. BecomingDankGod

    RIP Sasha!

    The true modern day shaman. Thank you for all the great advancements in consciousness!! Much respect!!
  4. BecomingDankGod

    San Pedro from seed?

    I personally have neve grown any of the sacred cactuses myself but have had family members and friends that have had specimens of there own. Had an uncle that could make the tea or extract the mescaline down to its pure form if he wanted, but he has passed on, and ever since I've always wanted...
  5. BecomingDankGod

    Largest Yields indoor/outdoor

    Much appreciated sir, I found JMD journal you were talking about. Very impressive probably a one in a million but it is worth looking into the strain. Thanks for the introduction to JMDs work to btw he's a very impressive grower. Thanks for the input!! One love!
  6. BecomingDankGod

    San Pedro vs. T.Peruvianus

    In the case of how hot a jalapeños is going to be, is a factor of growing conditions and watering schedule, which probably plays a critical role in the production of alkaloids in the different species of cactus.
  7. BecomingDankGod

    Largest Yields indoor/outdoor

    Are you talking about
  8. BecomingDankGod

    San Pedro from seed?

    Who has experience with starting san pedro cactus from seeds? Also who would like a good "how-to" thread on it if we dont get much feed back on this thread. Thanks!!
  9. BecomingDankGod

    WoS: Northern lights X BigBud Auto outdoor

    Please share an experience you have with this strain outdoors. Was thinking about it for a quick gorilla grow for my first time in the great outdoors. Thanks!!
  10. BecomingDankGod

    Largest Yields indoor/outdoor

    I've grown and seen lot of autos, but have never really measured yields at all. Was just wondering what everyone else thought was the best auto yielder indoor/outdoor. Doesn't have to be good in both conditions just please specify if you can.
  11. BecomingDankGod

    Glad to finally join....again

    Hello Rollitup community!!! I'm glad to be back and with an account I'm going to be more active with this time. Been off and on for a few years now, but I've decided to actually dive in now and share more input. Glad to be joining the surplus of knowledge here. One love. @BecomingTheDankGod
  12. BecomingDankGod

    Hello!! Rollitup community.....I'm glad I've finally made an official home here.

    Hello!! Rollitup community.....I'm glad I've finally made an official home here.