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  1. G

    Need some detailed help (1st LED CLOSET GROW)

    I'll be poting pics once I get my space setup
  2. G

    Need some detailed help (1st LED CLOSET GROW)

    The soonest I could pop some seeds is 12/5, kinda busy so its taking a while to setup my my space.
  3. G

    Need some detailed help (1st LED CLOSET GROW)

    Before I start, please no debates. Just give me our opinion & go. If I like what you've told me I'll add you for later reference for my grow. So I'm starting my new grow in about 2 weeks I plan on using LED lighting which I've never done, and I'm not working with ample space. I have about 3...
  4. G

    I've grown before, but I Still need help with a lot. So I'm looking for the community to help me...

    I've grown before, but I Still need help with a lot. So I'm looking for the community to help me out. Starting my next grow soon.