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  1. victron

    Crazy Sex Stories. No Fake Stories Please.

    eww 4 year olds cant even pee straight yet, plus no erections yet, or arousal, and then there is the fact that a finger can barely enter a girl untill aout 10 years old lol., and there is no such thing as sexuallity untill about age 9. so your lying dude... and that shit is gross to think...
  2. victron

    Crazy Sex Stories. No Fake Stories Please.

    what the hell is whiskey dick?
  3. victron

    marijuana and sex

  4. victron

    Growing weed can make you healthy!!

    no it does not!! it could give you ephazima! like amy winehouse.
  5. victron

    marijuana and sex

    get harder? what the hell?
  6. victron

    Ok men & women both.....

    yall are stupid!! not all girls have dinner plate nipples!! i have 40D's and i have never gotten complaints, my nipples [well area around..] are the size of quarters..NORMAL!! pluss small tits are no fun!! what are you gunna do grab a small layer of fat and hit rib cage? eww! no way, and any...
  7. victron

    Crazy Sex Stories. No Fake Stories Please.

    thanks for liking it haha, dear penthouse lolz. srsly.
  8. victron

    Crazy Sex Stories. No Fake Stories Please.

    i gots a new one!! well this happened on thursday, [ this is back story][ i really like this guy named sam he is a fucking sexy boy with a matching ego, he is the kind of guy boy wish they were for reall, he is a damn animal in bed, but ill get to that] sam and i were in his sweet ass...
  9. victron

    Crazy Sex Stories. No Fake Stories Please.

    of corse im a girl >:{ the names vicki... im glad you liked it haha :neutral: are you a chick?
  10. victron

    Crazy Sex Stories. No Fake Stories Please.

    im a noob to this site but ive been stoned since 15 :D well one of my favorite sexuall extravagandas was the time my bf and i were on a private dock on the water in someones back yard[very rich neighborhood] , it was really cold and windy and the stars were out, and the scent jazmin flowers...