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  1. S

    Root rot, what can I do about it?

    Since I don't know how to help my plant anymore, I'm guessing it has root rot. What can I immediately do about it? BESIDES changing the environment, I know that. Should I just cut the rotting roots off? Can I cut the entire plant off and put a root hormone on it and put it into a new pot? What...
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    IT'S STILL DYING! Please help, it only has a few days left!

    There's no way for me to get new seeds right now. So I'll have to go with that plant and try to save it until it produces seeds of it's own.
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    IT'S STILL DYING! Please help, it only has a few days left!

    Are you guys even reading my replies? I said tossing it is no option. Could someone please come up with something helpful?
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    IT'S STILL DYING! Please help, it only has a few days left!

    Starting over is no option. And I said, they (the gnats) seem to disappear, but it's still dying.
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    Why is my plant drooping and not growing anymore?? HELP!

    This plant is dying. It's getting nutes, it's getting water, it's getting light, but I don't know what's wrong with her. She's got fungus gnats, is that really the problem? I feel like they're going away. What is wrong with this plant?
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    Stem too thin? Plant is falling over! Help please!

    Yeah but do you think my plant's stem is too thin?
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    Stem too thin? Plant is falling over! Help please!

    My little plant had problems standing up by itself a few days ago. I buried it a little deeper in soil, but I'm afraid that's no permanent solution since it's going to get bigger and maybe fall over again. Now it seems to get better, but I'll let you be the judge of that, do you think my stem is...
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    How do I get rid of Fungus Gnats?

    Thank you so much to everyone for all the awesome answers! I really appreciate it, I've never done this before like I said :)
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    How do I get rid of Fungus Gnats?

    But how am I supposed to use fertilizer (not the liquid one) when there's a layer of sand on top? Any suggestions on that?
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    How do I get rid of Fungus Gnats?

    Thank you very much!
  11. S

    How do I get rid of Fungus Gnats?

    My little seedling plant is about 7-8 days old. Yesterday i noticed a small fly on my plant. Thought it was only one but I noticed that when I shake up my soil, more start crawling out and flying around. Fuck. So it seems like there have to be some fungus gnat larvae in my soil. My plant also...