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    Astral's Magical Boxes of Light

    Hey man everything is lookin real good. Ive been using fluro's for my grow but want to start my next one with CFL's. Im curious to know though, where did you pick up those bulb fixtures. Ive been looking around and cant find anything like those split fixtures.
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    Grow and Show

    Yeah i noticed the heat on them when hooked them up to see if they still worked. Yet thanks for the advice. I think ill keep them out and just invest in more CFL's like you said.
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    Grow and Show

    Alright, well i was cleaning out the garage the other day and found a few flood light type lights called Plant Lights Gro and Sho. They're 150w lights 120v. Has anyone ever seen these and would they be good as an added light for the lower branches. I have lights already and shes doing fine...
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    Ive checked for spider mights using a 60x magnifier just to be sure and as of now i see no signs of them unfortunately i kinda thought it was mildew too but I'm not sure yet. Does mildew have a smell? And if it is mildew is there a fix for that? There is barley any white spots on her so far...
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    Does salt buildup from nutes happen on the leaves? Ive been doing a lot of research and mostly i find that salt buildup happens in the soil. Although i did flush it just to be sure but i haven't noticed any difference yet. The plant other than these white spots seems to be extremely healthy...
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    I would greatly appreciate some help. If i can i will post some pics in a day or two. Although im not sure if ill be able to come across a digital camera in that time.
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    Well the plant is about a month or maybe a bit less into flowering and within the last few days I've noticed white specks forming on the tops of some of my fan leaves. I removed fan leaf tip that had some of these on it to check it out with my 100x microscope and to me it looks like salt. Kinda...