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  1. S

    Day 38 and VERY yellow leaves. Green Crack, Blue Dream, THC Bomb...

    You may be able to get an analysis of your local water. Google your municipality of town and "water analysis" or "water quality". pH may not be a problem as some nutrients are pH buffered to right around 6. But I don't have experience with the Canna line. Definitely test the water before and...
  2. S

    Flush Flower Feed

    Thank you for the input. I was thinking about flushing before flower because I used a product called "Ultimate-Wash" to get rid of some mites. It's mostly water but I thought a flush might insure a cleaner final product. Sorry I left that part out. I saw @Silky said that he continues veg nutes...
  3. S

    Flush Flower Feed

    What is the best order or process when making the transition to flower? Before I make the change to 12/12 I want to flush, is it better to flush a few days before, the day of changing lights, etc. how should I schedule feedings after that. Can I flush,transition the lights and feed right on top...
  4. S


    I think you may have asked about a hydro cloning system. DIY look here. if you want an inexpensive one l think Botanicare has one for under $40 but I don't know if that is just the casing or everything you'd need(sprayer and pump) Forgot to include that.
  5. S


    Wow this thread really turned around. Great info available here. Thank you Blaze for getting this started and much appreciation for the knowledge Cat!!! I am trying to get a DWC going myself. I have a question about pot and container size that hasn't been answered here. So, is the size of the...
  6. S


    mmmm Yummy. let's get some more pics. Get close with that cola and snap a few of the ones drying in the background.
  7. S

    STP's growing concerns

    There are so many threads on this site. It's both amazing and encouraging but a little overwhelming when trying to find an answer to a specific question. I have questions and I need answers. I hope this finds concise and thorough contributors. 1. During veg, what happens to the plants during the...
  8. S

    Positive Pressure in Tent

    Is positive or negative pressure better? Strictly for the plants not accounting for neighbors or smell concerns. More pressure means more air in the space, right? With negative pressure doesn't it get hard for them to breath? Does neg. pressure have some other benefit? Does increasing pressure...