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  1. CoughyTime

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    LOL. Well you can be sure it wasn't a cell phone picture.
  2. CoughyTime

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    You would _really_ want her if you saw the rest of the photos I took of her!
  3. CoughyTime

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Our second day of harvesting our Shaman's High hybrid. I really liked how fast these matured here in the northwest, I did put up a vinyl shelter for a week of rain but this hat weather returning once again settled the issue. They are ready!!!! With an appreciative young lady friend.
  4. CoughyTime

    paclobuytrozol or daminozide?

    Pretty entertaining responses to what looks like a troll. I've never heard a boxing coach suggest "Lead with your chin.", but seriously leading with emotions and speculation rather than facts in your fights makes for a quick finish. With the lack of consensus, least from the most emotional It's...
  5. CoughyTime

    The Abominable Chiller dyi 2hp 12,000 btu equivalent

    I'd be checking that set of coils from the dehumidifier pretty closely. Any lead solder is going to be leeched out of the welds due to the acidic nature of beer wort. You do know lead is bad for you, right?
  6. CoughyTime

    What kind of pest is this

    Good! I was afraid you had added that statement to Wikipedia and thus rendered it as permanent fact for reference by millions.
  7. CoughyTime

    What kind of pest is this

    Huh? What country/state government made that law?
  8. CoughyTime

    What kind of pest is this

    I have to say I have had some pretty soapy tasting bud from the mmj dispensary. One would think they could be better trusted to provide clean tasting bud. Trouble is, I'm not inclined to trust the government to mandate purity standards without also including draconian penalties for non-comformity.
  9. CoughyTime

    What kind of pest is this

    Spittle Bugs, you mean? I've seen them on orchard grass but not on our herbal grass.
  10. CoughyTime

    What kind of pest is this

    Hey, eating a little kitty now and then is good for you.
  11. CoughyTime

    What kind of pest is this

    Oh, just as an aside, kittens and fish. The kittens that grow up be neighborhood songbird killers. Gotta' save the kitties. The fish, well they'll just have to adapt better so their legs can help them hop and run away faster when I spray. Puf.
  12. CoughyTime

    What kind of pest is this

    The Permethrin Facts Link:
  13. CoughyTime

    What kind of pest is this

    LOL Rather leaping to conclusions, eh? The EPA states " Risks Dietary Acute, chronic non-cancer, and cancer dietary (food and drinking water) risks from permethrin were below the Agency’s level of concern (LOC)." Jorge Cervantes certainly favors it's use and has even done a YouTube video of a...
  14. CoughyTime

    What kind of pest is this

    Of more interest to me, what is Ed Rosenthal's opinion of permethrin?
  15. CoughyTime

    What kind of pest is this

    With my house surrounded by all sorts of vegetation harboring hundreds or thousands of those critters. I see as many mature adults as I do the immature nymphs as in your photo. Hand picking from the girls works if you go at it first thing in the morning when they are cold, or alternatively get...
  16. CoughyTime

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    When the plant is ready to harvest, I pour boiling hot water over the roots. This starves the roots of oxygen and starts the breakdown of sugars,starches and chlorophyll. Leave it under the lights for 3 days, then harvest. No leaching or flushing necessary Ok hot water I never heard of that an...
  17. CoughyTime

    getting slammed by rats!!!!

    Decon poison bait
  18. CoughyTime

    At what point do I start counting flowering time....

    I figure the only light flipping for an outdoor grow is going to amount to the date of the solar equinox June 21st. It's not 12/12 but it is a turning point for the plants as the day length shortens from then on. Some plants key off the shortening days quickly, others need more convincing...
  19. CoughyTime

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Some Harlequin grown from bag seeds that have outgrown my small greenhouse. All 4 were females, but one seems to be a stouter phenotype.
  20. CoughyTime

    Chilling out.

    Chilling out.