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  1. edolt

    Northeast outdoors

    You could incrementally add darkness to a veg cycle and watch your clones. Just keep notes on where your timer was for each clone when it showed sex. Some folks subtract two weeks and mark that as the time. I just start at 16/8 and wait a week or two, then knock it back. But I'm working with...
  2. edolt

    Northeast outdoors

    If you have a chance to start multiple seeds indoors, you also have a chance to find each plants critical dark time. I used to take clones and slowly decrease their light cycle until sexed. Then you know u got a girl, and u know when to expect flowering. I always shot for plants that flowered in...
  3. edolt

    12-1 light schedule test

    I veg plants year round in a sunroom using six five watt LEDs on a 1 minute every two hours night interrupt schedule. I've even reveged some stubborn early plants. Never messed with it in flower. You just need something stronger than moonlight. No need for hids on the interrupt timer
  4. edolt

    What Is The Best Way To Clone Plants? Rapid Rooter, Rockwool Or Other.

    Hi all.... New here. I've always had good luck with solo cups. One for your clone, one (clear) one for a humidity dome. I leave the top cockeyed a bit to let air in at the bottom. Clones taken from a hungry plant always root faster too. (Why root if they have lots of food stored in the leaves?)...