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  1. O

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    @doz, thank for your reply. I guess I used a bad example. With CXB3070 I get the same numbers as you. But what if we go to Cree's CPT tool again at and pick CXB3590 36V CB, the smallest current shown there is 1.400. How do you guys find the lumens and Watt info...
  2. O

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    Thanks. Let me try asking this question a third time. Are the spreadsheets available on this thread only PNG images or is there a excel or something available for download somewhere? Thanks
  3. O

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    Guys, me again. I'm studying cree led lamps for a few weeks, and I'm beginning to understand things, but something still doesn't make sense to me. If I use cree's tool at and fill with CXB3070 with CB bin, I see the list with current (amps) and lumens...
  4. O

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    Hi everybody. Please excuse me for my probably very stupid question. Everywhere on the forum I read "check the efficiency spreadsheet thread". Here I'm, but I didn't find any spreadsheet to download or use. I mean, is there an actual spreadsheet (excel or like?) file to download, or do you mean...