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  1. gazja420

    White veins on new growth

    Hello everyone, this appears to have been some issue to do with stress causing a small period of mutation whilst growing. The plants are entirely find but developed a ring of white/clear veins. I believe this was either from Transplant stress or lighting stress. Just leaving this information...
  2. gazja420

    White veins on new growth

    Hello everyone. I've got a slight issue with one out of eight plants, this one being Jupitor OG. The new leaves appear to have a few white veins towards the base of the leaf. The top two new leaves also appear to be suffering the same but on the tips rather than the base. The current setup...
  3. gazja420

    In flowering stage/lights off for longer than 12 hours, will this hurt the cycle???

    Just go back into the normal lighting schedule afterwards and I'm sure you will be fine.
  4. gazja420

    Browning/purpling between veins, and leaves curling. Need help.

    Yeah that's a fair point, I've moved the light a fair bit away from the plants now so hopefully that will help. Get a thermometer in a week when I get paid, I will be getting better out take and in take fans too. Not entirely sure why the leaves have turned purple and then brown between the veins?
  5. gazja420

    Browning/purpling between veins, and leaves curling. Need help.

    Thanks for all of the help, the flushing seems to have stopped the purpling/dying to an extent. I'll keep my room a bit more ventilated by leaving the tent a bit more open from now on. Strange thing is, they have been fine for a few weeks and now struggling with heat ?
  6. gazja420

    Browning/purpling between veins, and leaves curling. Need help.

    Cheers mate, hopefully flushing today with light cal/mag and small amount of superthrive will help clear any lockout of cal/mag if that is the case. Yeah, just waiting for next payday in a week so i can get those things measured and under control.
  7. gazja420

    Browning/purpling between veins, and leaves curling. Need help.

    Hello everyone. Quite confused here and could do with some advice. I am currently growing inside a tent, with a 600w HPS light and in coco/perlite 50/50. I have two plants in the tent, Kosher Tangie and Chemdog. They are both around 4 1/2 weeks into flowering. My equipment for measuring...
  8. gazja420

    Turning the lights off for a landlord inspection.

    It has crossed my mind. No landlord no inspection, right? :fire: Okay, I will probably just switch the lights back on. There should be some light leakage too, so I guess it wont be 100% darkness like it is at night.
  9. gazja420

    Turning the lights off for a landlord inspection.

    Hello everyone! I have a slight issue that I need your advice on, the way I see it there are only two answers. My landlord is coming round for a 6 month inspection, he arrives around 7pm and will be here for no longer than 30 minutes. My plants are only 2 weeks into budding, they are in a...
  10. gazja420

    Clawing leaf tips and droopy new growth.

    Just on a note, their doing perfectly fine now and 2 weeks into flowering. My issue was the PH being too high, and the nights being too cold. After lowering slightly and adding a heater in the night time the plants were healthy in a matter of days. Thanks for all the help!
  11. gazja420

    Clawing leaf tips and droopy new growth.

    I don't seem to have them, thank fuck for that! aha. Hopefully the improved drainage, temperature and feed will help them perk up over the next few days!
  12. gazja420

    Clawing leaf tips and droopy new growth.

    How do you go about diagnosing this issue? I have a microscope if that helps. Although mine are more drooping and not folding inwards now I have added some more heat. Yeah, mine are fairly droopy still but I think that is due to a lack of Nitrogen now after I miss diagnosed and flushed them...
  13. gazja420

    Clawing leaf tips and droopy new growth.

    Just given them a foliage feed made up of a week nute mix.
  14. gazja420

    Clawing leaf tips and droopy new growth.

    Mine aren't suffering from transplant stress as I have been gardening in general for a long time and have practice with that :) I believe my issue is due to over watering by proxy of having awful drainage, it was taking a week and half for the coco coir to dry. I am using the same 2 liter pots...
  15. gazja420

    Clawing leaf tips and droopy new growth.

    Okay, so mine seem to be extremely droopy a couple of hours before lights off. Almost horizontal. Would this also be due to lack of oxygen to the roots? They are still fairly moist even after 6 days of watering. Perhaps I need some perlite and transplant them into bigger pots.
  16. gazja420

    Clawing leaf tips and droopy new growth.

    I normally flip to 12/12 around week 6 or week 8 depending on if I have topped them. And just to clarify, at this stage it is only the Tangie (sativa) struggling with curling leaves after a flush.
  17. gazja420

    Clawing leaf tips and droopy new growth.

    Okay, so after flushing last night and giving them 18 hours of light instead of 24 the leaves have now perked up. But the sides are curling under, I heard this is due to over watering? So my assumption Is I had slight N toxicity and over watering, the flushing has fixed the N but made the over...
  18. gazja420

    Clawing leaf tips and droopy new growth.

    Yeah it's just the two, I did two green crack plants under it last time and they were fine. Only thing I can think of that has changed is the amount of N I am feeding them this time has increased.
  19. gazja420

    Clawing leaf tips and droopy new growth.

    Hmm, I may have just made the issue worse then. I transplanted from small pots into these 2 liter pots about a week ago, I may have to just let them dry out now and hope for the best?
  20. gazja420

    Clawing leaf tips and droopy new growth.

    it's about room temperature at the moment. And I have been waiting until it dries out before watering. I thought perhaps it was too much N? So I have flshed them tonight, put them in 18/6 in an attempt to help them perk up.