Search results

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    Emerald Health

    Is this LP even real? ive neevr heard of anyone using them, they used to be called Thunderbird and never actually seemed to release anything
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    Which dispensaries accept MMPR patients without extra documentation

    im with bedrocan, i just find it too generic and not enough strains i wasnt looking to inform with my post, i was looking to get information jackass69
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    Which dispensaries accept MMPR patients without extra documentation

    I am looking at some new suppliers as i am not that happy with my LP selection but i dont wanna get a new medical doc, some dispensaries accepted my MMPR docs, im just wondering if anyone has any more they can recommend that might not be that out there
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    Did anyone see this!!

    we need people in positions of power that already have authority to come out and say they are MMJ users... in other words, bring out the professional stoners.. i know plenty of very successful lawyers and businessmen who toke daily
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    Green Doctor Network

    thanks for the help, I'm in New Brunswick, I don't have a family doc but now that I can't go through the clinic I will try to find a local doc to sign, if not just looking for backups but seems like every pronvince college of physicians is restricting telemedicine
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    Green Doctor Network

    Anyone have experience with them? Can they still do skype appointments? My clinic in Ontario just told me they no longer can for out of province patients
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    Email from clinic!!!!!!

    someone told me clinics in ontario can no longer skype patients out of province as of this week? is this true, anyone know? does wellmedica skype people who arent in BC? i thought they werent allowed either according to the college of physicians
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    Peace Naturals

    Thanks for the feedback guys, will tell him to stay away
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    Peace Naturals

    One of my friends is on their waitlist and getting registered, should he go ahead or switch to someone else? Anyone with them? Hows their product and service?
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    Buying tinctures and oils

    Does anyone else find the prices dispensaries are charging for these is too high or reasonable? CO2 oil seems way too pricy, some tinctures are alright i guess
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    Best mail order dispensary?

    What mail order dispensary do you prefer? Looking for decent prices and top shelf product, some of the places ive tried were inconsistent.
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    MFT Group, do you work for Peace Naturals?

    it's not asking for their MFT number, its asking for their Veteran Affairs VAC number. the two are not connected. Veterans are eligible for getting coverage from VAC for their medicine and to authorize this you need the VAC number There's no such thing as a MFT number lol, MFT is just a few...
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    Canntrust's assistance plan, can you trust it?

    also they have the audacity to pass it off as bud they think we're idiots, if youre charging $3.50/g its obviously your shake
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    oasis medical clinic Calgary

    sorry to hear man, hope you get your papers renewed soon
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    Should I Switch to MariCann?

    Hmm anyone here using MariCann? Not bad prices, cheaper than dispensaries
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    Canntrust's assistance plan, can you trust it?

    hmmm, you would think if they irradiated they would mention it clearly on their website eh? do they tell you up front when you are ordering? their product is wayyy overpriced but usually at least was top notch quality
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    Accessories sold by LP's

    i thought they were restricted to "dried marihuana" but i guess many producers are offering deals on vaporizers and stuff.. anything actually worth it?
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    tilray 's fake 31.9% thc bubba kush

    instead of health canada tripping about peace naturals selling 13% thc bud instead of 9%, can they for fuck sakes do some random testing of these bloated up THC numbers??? no way im buying these claims some LP's make