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    lighting in my pc grow box?

    Like a fan leading out of the pc, filter over that. A small gap, then another fan and filter at the bottom...
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    lighting in my pc grow box?

    bought a new fan for my pc, so have a extra fan, could I possibly make like a double filter to pull the air through? These are both bigger and stronger than the standard pc fans, used them in my gaming pc so would it work?
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    lighting in my pc grow box?

    Ok thanks guys, starting my grow today :D so still slightly worried about the smell, will 1 c filter be enough for one plant or can it stilled be smelled even a tiny bit....?? Thanks Again!
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    lighting in my pc grow box?

    Thanks bud, one more thing. Ready to get started soon, will post pics.... anyway so since its only 1 plant will the carbon filter completely remove the smell?? I sealed it tight so only 1 place for air to get out, through a carbon filter.. any thoughts on this?
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    lighting in my pc grow box?

    Thanks guys, appreciate your input. Will let u know how it goes..... Ohh and would 3 40w cfls work or not?? just for my first time, saving up for something big!(:
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    lighting in my pc grow box?

    400 wat lol
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    lighting in my pc grow box?

    Know people use like 400 water and stuff, but this a pc grow so don't know if I need that much for like 2 plants.....
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    lighting in my pc grow box?

    So my dealer just disappeared and was just randomly searching stealth grow.... anyway had an old pc and was like, PC Grow!.. so just wondering if 2 40 watt cfls will do for now? And what to get later? Thanks for replies, and know nothing about growing btw, but really interesting stuff