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  1. Thomasgreen80


    Living soil, 30 gallon, kush, 79 degrees, 64rh,, topdress with minimal additives, I believe I over watered her early on and had nitrogen tox. Not sure if she just is finicky because of that or what. I just gave her 1.5 gallons and she always droops. I give her that 3x a week. I don’t think...
  2. Thomasgreen80

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    :peace: Glad you liked it TWS
  3. Thomasgreen80

    Biocanna question

    I ran out of bio flores and won't have any for a couple days. Can I just use vega tomorrow when I feed? Advice please!
  4. Thomasgreen80

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Yes. Hope it stays where I put it for a while.
  5. Thomasgreen80

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Found one! I had a volunteer on one of my 8 ball plants for a couple months but its gone now I think.
  6. Thomasgreen80

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    8 ball kush glistening in the evening sun.
  7. Thomasgreen80

    Should I feel guilty.

    We Well put and I appreciate the advice.
  8. Thomasgreen80

    Should I feel guilty.

    Thanks and I've seen that too. Me and my ex wife did not get along and it took about 2 years after the split before we were cool and now we talk like friends and even run a business together (which the girlfriend despises). We don't fuck around with each other but when were both single we will...
  9. Thomasgreen80

    Should I feel guilty.

    I get what your saying and honestly I won't be looking for a wife period. I spent 3 years single before we met and learned a lot about myself and one of those things was I like to be single. I could see myself staying like that forever. I am no longer attracted to her at all anymore so wouldn't...
  10. Thomasgreen80

    Should I feel guilty.

    Thanks for the uplifting words! Really! We talked shortly after my post and she said she would always be my friend no matter what. I told her I would hold her to it!
  11. Thomasgreen80

    Should I feel guilty.

    Me and my gf have been together for a year and a half and I realize it should end. She is a great person and I don't want to hurt her. We just got a dog she had been wanting for a while and I feel like I'm ending her life. I'm not attracted to her at all and our sex is bland. We are really good...
  12. Thomasgreen80

    Is my plant healthy??

    If it were mine I would top the container off with roots organic soil up to about 2" from the rim and go right behind that with a good organic nutrient like bio canna. That will give you you the best results IMO. The roots will travel up in to that soil. Good luck.
  13. Thomasgreen80

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    My afghan skunk main cola pic taken at dusk. Really putting on for 3 weeks. Also have to say bio canna is great for outdoors.
  14. Thomasgreen80

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    My Iranian og kush last year. Doing 8 ball kush and Afghan skunk this year
  15. Thomasgreen80

    Biocanna outdoors

    The first pic is afghan skunk and I'm expecting her to improve after the transplant today. The 3rd is an 8 ball and 4th is afghan and they show how the leaves are twisting away from the sun. Maybe they need fed every day. Absolutely will go in ground next year. Anyway thanks for the advice joint.
  16. Thomasgreen80

    Biocanna outdoors

    They are drying pretty good between watering, not enough to wilt. I feed them every other day and are in smart pots which ill never do again outside. I just noticed today that the fan leaves at the top are twisting a little. At the base not the actual blades of the leaves. Never seen that...
  17. Thomasgreen80

    Biocanna outdoors

    I have 6 plants, 3 8 ball kush and 3 afghan skunk. They are huge and my question is am I feeding them enough. I get this yellowing with spots and curling up. I'm thinking it could be mag deficiency but I also think that 16ml biobega or Flores may not be enough for them. They are about 8' tall in...