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  1. L

    Anyone ever bought this before?

    OK, so All plants use co2 and if you don't provide fresh air then they can't grow. Without intake and exhaust you will run out of co2 quickly. Nonetheless, to read the chart.. Temperature is on the bottom, go from there up to the humidity line and to the right for lb h2o/lb dry air for...
  2. L

    Anyone ever bought this before?

    That's positive pressure, you're making the ac fan motor work harder.. Not good. Listen to Gary, if it's small just get like 6 air changes per hour. The dehumidifier will make it hotter and reduce humidity fwiw, but depends on efficiency and how many pints per day
  3. L

    Anyone ever bought this before?

    To be real accurate look at the power usage. Watts*3.412=additional btu. Add that many btu/lb dry air from the chart to account for increased temp from dehumidifier
  4. L

    Anyone ever bought this before?

    What's your current temp and humidity? Look them up on a psychrometric chart and compare to the rated water removal per day to see what it'll bring you to.
  5. L

    Triacontinol during flowering, am I making a mistake?

    Idk about this triacontanol thing. There was a lot of research in the 70s and 80s leading up to patents. Only one patent didn't lapse with a commercial product in Finland. A foliar spray of 0.005ppm as I recall boosted corn, tomato, and some other crops yield. They didn't describe how it...
  6. L

    SoG vs ScrOG?

    I'm saying actual draw, LED grow lights might be 10-15% (offhand from memory) more efficient than HID in power output and they don't have the same penetration strength. Plant count is irrelevant - depends on how long you veg, you'd ideally just want a full and even canopy. Never grew weed...
  7. L

    Seattle sees fallout from $15 minimum wage, as other cities follow suit

    For those of you who don't know, that's ~16.83 an hour for their lowest paid worker. Forget the news, forget the government (read business) propaganda and educate yourselves. Anecdotal evidence and conjecture mean nothing, results do.
  8. L

    Seattle sees fallout from $15 minimum wage, as other cities follow suit Restaurant gets rid of tipping, triples profit in two months. "Instead, every employee now receives a base salary of at least $35,000 (plus bonuses based on profits,) health care from date of hire, 500 shares in the business and paid...
  9. L

    Mason Jar Hand Pump Vac?

    totally thought this thread was about to be a diy penis pump by the thread title.
  10. L

    Fox News Does Cringeworthy Segment On Homeless People

    Politics crack me up. Small government? Sure, then there wont be any central authority to stop some rich guy from hiring an army and taking over. Or many rich guys..whatever, we can be like the dark ages with nobles who have castles subjugating the poor. Speaking of subjugation. I find it...
  11. L

    no increased yield using seimen, help

    I don't grow pot but I've tried this out with strawberries, I actually caught the neighbor lady picking some and she said they're extra sweet. I told her I love strawberries with cream.
  12. L

    How to measure par ?

    Easy answer for HID, look at it(common sense applies, don't blind yourself). Does the light look "warm"? Then it's predominantly red. Does it look cool? Then it's predominantly blue. Both lights will still contain some of the "other" colors, just not in as great of concentration. If it's...
  13. L

    How to measure par ?

    Lumens don't matter brother as a measurement. They only measure visible light, plants use visible and some invisible light. | VISIBLE LIGHT/LUMENS| |PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACTIVE RADIATION| So I hope that the formatting comes out right on that. Basically, measuring lumens is only some...
  14. L

    Drinking Nutes won't kill you will it?

    Sorry I forgot to add </sarcasm>
  15. L


    And you did it again? Smh.
  16. L

    what is a polyploid plant? Treating seeds with Colchicine

    Well if you all want just an easy source do a search on They carry most hard to find stuff
  17. L

    Drinking Nutes won't kill you will it?

    Did you pH that shit first? Either way you're going to need to drink some vinegar so you can lower your pH and lock the nutes out so your body won't absorb anything. Then you should eat a couple of composting worms so they can eat up all the bad chemical nutes. After that I suggest you go...
  18. L

    Running ballast through surge protector

    I'd recommend a whole house surge protector, they just take up a couple slots in your electric box. Still should have more protection on computers and stuff.
  19. L

    How to measure par ?

    Well, I thought that this video was pretty epic so I thought I'd share it.
  20. L

    How to measure par ?

    You need to have it calibrated once a year too I believe, so better to rent imo.