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  1. G

    BCseeds forever bud

    sounds like a scam to me
  2. G

    has anyone ever grown dr. krippling bulk or s.h. money maker?

    My incredible bulk is 3 weeks into flower , going well , node gaps about 5cm apart . Don't let it get to big before you flip it . buds are bigger then my milkyway and milkyway has been flipped for 4 weeks , she loves to grow hard :-))
  3. G

    Jack herer + Pineapple Chunk from Seed

    looking good mate :)
  4. G

    has anyone ever grown dr. krippling bulk or s.h. money maker?

    I have Incredible Bulk growing atm 5 weeks old and about foot and half tall , node gaps are too big about 7 to 10 cm apart , taken a 15 clones of it a week ago and ready to flip the lights tonight or tommorow