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  1. J

    Piper Auritum

    A 3-day auction for a Piper Auritum; A preview of the plant for auction. This plant has been grown in organic soil, from a seed and can be shipped in a 3" netcup for Hydroponics. Note: a) This plant smells like Jagermeister or Root Beer. b) It is against FDA rule to use it for...
  2. J

    A use for dirty bong water.

    I thought I'd bring this to your attention; I recently decided to use my bong water to adjust the humidity in my grow tent and it seems to be working as a insect killer. I use neem oil as foliar spray but it just keeps the bugs off the plants and doesn't seem to kill them. It looks like they're...
  3. J

    alternative to hydroton rocks?

    Styrofoam popcorn peanuts, they might not be biodegradable but they can be recycled to grow marijuana!
  4. J

    looking for genetic traits. . .?

    ooo I was just thinking about crossing the afghani bullrider with a sweet skunk but I might give this skunk #1 a run instead. Heck might just do the Skunk #1 alone b/c it's a pure strain. Thanks
  5. J

    looking for genetic traits. . .?

    Afghani bullrider grown outdoors is acutally the plant I found it on, and it got me so stoned nothing could compare. It's like dipping your buds or painting them with hash oil. It makes it a one hit wonder.
  6. J

    sure if it's 110v and 1.5amps it's 110 X 1.5 = 165watts and watts are measured per hour.

    sure if it's 110v and 1.5amps it's 110 X 1.5 = 165watts and watts are measured per hour.
  7. J

    looking for genetic traits. . .?

    I actually think its a combination of hot sunny days and foiler feeding that melts the tric's to a black, sticky resin not actually genetics. Let me know if anyone finds anything though.
  8. J

    looking for genetic traits. . .?

    How do I get my cannabis plant to secrete black, tar-like, resin in the bud area? If this feature is genetic to a specific strain, does anyone out there have a strain that hosts these traits?
  9. J

    Can I TOP or FIM this little clone?

    If you want to train it, put it back into veg 18-6 or 24-0, esp if you already know it's a female.
  10. J

    Hi, Yes, I can help you. The guy's name is Eugene and you can contact him via e-mail direct at...

    Hi, Yes, I can help you. The guy's name is Eugene and you can contact him via e-mail direct at or you can order from the website, here is the link: Seeds Direct
  11. J

    Electric Bill

    The gasoline part isn't the generator, the electric motor that generates the current is.
  12. J

    Electric Bill

    No, the 3 phase side actually had a fly wheel and the 110v motor would only kick on when the RPMS dropped below a set limit, also the 110 motor was very small, it looked like it was from a bench grinder and had a gear ratio system to provide for the 3 phase generator. It really only took a few...
  13. J

    Electric Bill

    Yes, you can build a generator system using electric motors instead of gasoline. You would still be drawing current from your home power, but it would be a lot less. I saw an entire machine shop run multiple 3 phase machines off one 110v standard wall outlet using this method.
  14. J

    Electric Bill

    I don't see how a power bill is enough to give a reason for a search warrant, think about it like ZaVe said; there are a lot of things around your house that draw electricity, unless you're stealing power and not paying your bills I don't see how someone could use it against you. Even if they...
  15. J

    anyone tried useing neem oil as a clone wax?

    neem has a real strong nut smell too it, does it effect the taste or is it something you would only want to spray durning veg? I use it in my garden a lot for bugs and such, but don't really know what kind of side effects it could have if you smoked it.
  16. J

    Anyone Grown Sour Diesel? (I'm Worried)

    Hi, is that a 400 watt High pressure sodium light? and are you sure you have no light leaking in during your dark period? Also, You can lengthen your dark period too it might help. You definitely have the right nutrients for the job and if you decide to grow the same strain again you may want to...
  17. J

    Can you give me and the rest of the guys/girls a view of your grow setup? What nutrients are...

    Can you give me and the rest of the guys/girls a view of your grow setup? What nutrients are you using? What Lights are you using? What is your grow room temperatuer and humidity? What light cycle are you using? What is th PH and PPM of your grow? How about the air? CO2 enriched etc?
  18. J

    birth control & estrogen

    Yeah, I don't think you should try it. Only because if it stays in the buds who knows what kind of side effect it would have on the male gender who smoke it. Heck it might be a pot that keeps you from getting pregnant.
  19. J

    Feminizing plants with ethylene

    Didn't the reading you posted, from that guy. . . say that ethylene was use to ripen fruit, so I'm not really sure how that isn't natural? Maybe we can find someone that works at a grocery store to try this out. I saw ethylene as an organic solvent, but it would be more of a vapor then a gas. It...
  20. J

    nobody grows critical mass?

    Thanks for clearing that up, I guess it was the way it was worded, but that ^^^ would make sence.