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  1. thcblazer

    best harvesting & drying method help

    thats everyone for all your help,, got some blue cheese and berry ridyers one from dinafem both autoflowers i have better look with wish me look ill post pictures all in good time anyone knwo of any gone nuts that are excellent output ? cheers keep smoking hah
  2. thcblazer

    best harvesting & drying method help

    hi erm just the leaves really buds are great still afew weeks left id say gonna keep waiting till there mature its a very funny yellow colour like bright yellow and the leaves arnt dried up just shocking yellow ?
  3. thcblazer

    best harvesting & drying method help

    hi guys a rapid yellowing is going on up top colas and middle areas to bottom ive checked the buds as its in the 50day section of flowering looking good but not ready what make be causing the yellowing ive hurd that its used up all its N ive been giving her in veg plus on the web people give...
  4. thcblazer

    HELP!! plants 48-52days flower smells planty ??

    in england man wish it was that easy everything so pricey down here like ill get on on ebay with some perlite and stuff i need to get for my blue cheese grow im getting on with :)
  5. thcblazer

    HELP!! plants 48-52days flower smells planty ??

    in what amount of days in flowering do the buds become ripened to smoke good body high ? will the bud have a gold sparkle to it ? when is it mature i no will trichomes and all that i mean can you tell with looking at it ?
  6. thcblazer

    best harvesting & drying method help

    yeah i get what your telling me and im likeing the 10weeks will this be a golden looking type of bud mature ?
  7. thcblazer

    HELP!! plants 48-52days flower smells planty ??

    haha yeah man ill have to look up one of those then need to get some pics up to show you
  8. thcblazer

    best harvesting & drying method help

    cheers man im in england northwest aswell so its kinda cold high humidity also so it would take longer where im from id say but good info bro
  9. thcblazer

    best harvesting & drying method help

    is it a must to cure the buds ? thanks for your help
  10. thcblazer

    HELP!! plants 48-52days flower smells planty ??

    yeah man, what do you use to see your temps ? i have a htc one and use temp reader on that not to sure if its any good like also a desert humidity reader also not use if thats any good use them in lizard tanks ,? i use a oil burning radiator for raising the temps is this no good either ? also...
  11. thcblazer

    best harvesting & drying method help

    i am waiting on the due date to my lovely dutch passion now in 53days flower i havested other 2 dutch at 42days-,- tatsed very harsh and got me very high so im looking on a better method on havesting and drying i have a dehumidify but im worried that is drying it out to fast im not sure? also...
  12. thcblazer

    HELP!! plants 48-52days flower smells planty ??

    on your opinion mr sunshine is it best to dry the bud in the tent upside down with dehumidify and fan in there or what what would best best but not to fast tastes harsh id say ?
  13. thcblazer

    HELP!! plants 48-52days flower smells planty ??

    thanks alot budfarmer i was worried something was going on before my very eyes haha bud smells great like a strong under tone of sweet cola smell or a soda smell haha its great bud looks spot on may upload a photo shortly to see if anyone spots a problem on going
  14. thcblazer

    HELP!! plants 48-52days flower smells planty ??

    so its normal to kinda smell a plant smell juring flower late flower!!:)
  15. thcblazer

    HELP!! plants 48-52days flower smells planty ??

    sorry haha edited my questions was to high lastnight-.- so what could this be ??
  16. thcblazer

    HELP!! plants 48-52days flower smells planty ??

    dutch passion 52days in flower all buds look well plants health is good, i have a few yellowing leafs up top to down bottom ? (witch could do with coming to the end of its cycle) so my question is when i open the tent up i get a horrible plant smell of it ?? why,,,