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  1. M

    Leaves brittle and beginning to canoe and twist

    Thank you very much, that sounds like very good advice. Watered a few of them with the lime mixed in and now waiting to see what happens.
  2. M

    Leaves brittle and beginning to canoe and twist

    great suggestion, thank you. I think I'd rather do that than mess with sulfuric acid. I'll grab some soon and give it a try. What I don't get is that my soil ph is high (7.5) but my nutrient solution is low (below 6.0). If my nutrient solution is that low before adding any type of acid, how...
  3. M

    Leaves brittle and beginning to canoe and twist

    ok, so checked the ph of water with nutrient solution and it was down below a 6. It seems I may have read somewhere something about microbe activity in the soil raising ph which is why organic growers don't bother with checking the ph, but I could be very wrong as I have read a lot of different...
  4. M

    Leaves brittle and beginning to canoe and twist

    The symptoms do look somewhat similar, but sounds like it is spread around fairly easily and I go between the veg and flower rooms frequently and nothing in my veg room is having these problems. I keep everything pretty clean, but will be sure to go over the room and sterilize everything extra...
  5. M

    Leaves brittle and beginning to canoe and twist

    Ok, bought a soil test kit yesterday. I hear these aren't always very accurate, but it shows ph at about 7.5, nitrogen is high and p & k are both low. I looked it up and seems sulfuric acid may be the best way to drop the ph. I am going to see if i can find some today
  6. M

    Leaves brittle and beginning to canoe and twist

    I'm certainly not saying it can't be salt buildup, but if it is, the thing I do not understand is how my veg plants never do this and I have mothers that are older than anything in flower and have never been flushed. If it was salt buildup, wouldn't these mothers be displaying the same...
  7. M

    Leaves brittle and beginning to canoe and twist

    For my own reference right now, water with nothing added is at 7.2 ph using pool test strips as I can not find my ph meter.
  8. M

    Leaves brittle and beginning to canoe and twist

    Could it possibly be a problem with water retention? I don't water until I can shove my finger all the way in and have it not feel damp, so at least the top 3" is dry, but it does seem to take awhile for it to dry out that much....something in the area of a week whereas when I was using pro-mix...
  9. M

    Leaves brittle and beginning to canoe and twist

    Ok, It is city water and is ran through a rv charcoal filter, but that's it. It's not softened and same thing was happening before the charcoal filter. I will ph the water over the next couple days and see if there are any major fluctuations, assuming my ph meter still works lol. I have also...
  10. M

    Leaves brittle and beginning to canoe and twist

    Btw, Thank you for the reply :) Taking your time to read and post is greatly appreciated whether I agree or not. Even a post I don't agree with has the possibility of leading me toward a solution.
  11. M

    Leaves brittle and beginning to canoe and twist

    Honestly, I don't ph. It's an organic soil and there is plenty of lime in there to keep the ph in check. I am using the flora nova now, but I did a water only grow with this soil and it did the exact same thing, but did not produce very well leading me to the conclusion that the soil is low on...
  12. M

    Leaves brittle and beginning to canoe and twist

    Hello, I have been trolling the threads for awhile now, this is my first post and would like to start by saying THANK YOU! to everyone on here....I have gained a lot of valuable information by reading many different people's posts. I have looked all over (several forums as well as google and a...