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  1. faridadrin

    imm help

    thanks buddy I will as you said....
  2. faridadrin

    imm help

    thanks a bunch dear Codester25. but here the weather is getting colder really faster than we expected that we have to turn on the heating system at home....Isn't the time you mentioned_ because of the cold season_ a bit late? And do the flowers have any THC now? I mean can I get high with them...
  3. faridadrin

    imm help

    Dear Codester25, I uploaded a new profile pic_ the only way I could send you my last taken photo _what's next? how longer should I wait? and keep it between us, I looked up a lot of dictionaries for PONY BOY, no result! what does it mean in your culture? I'm not an English speaker!
  4. faridadrin

    somebody tell me how longer should I cut my girls with these buds? meant my profile pic!

    somebody tell me how longer should I cut my girls with these buds? meant my profile pic!
  5. faridadrin

    imm help

    I am the in law.......................:lol:.........just kidding.... no i'm not taking. ok buddy be careful with that in-law, why should anybody try to cause any harm to such a nice guy? you're totally right on this and I'm so happy to meet you here, I'll let you know on my plants progress...
  6. faridadrin

    imm help

    dear codester25... Oh I'm terribly sorry to ask you that, just wanted to send you some pics of my plants, nothing else. I live somewhere too far away from you - the farthest continent from you - no danger or harm, but I do respect your privacy never ask again...
  7. faridadrin

    imm help

    see? I said you are an expert but you didn't admit... too humble... thanks again for the perfect info. Oh do you consider it too rude if I ask you to send me your Email? here is mine:
  8. faridadrin

    imm help

    thanks buddy, I do exactly the way that you wrote... all the time this message comes up: "There was a problem uploading your file". Well as a matter of fact, I have never seen any photos posted on this site, can you send me one? anything! and thanks again...
  9. faridadrin

    imm help

    Hi again buddy... I was wondering if you could show me how to upload images here on this page! I have tried a lot but I couldn't succeed. I'm asking you again: How could I possibly send photos to you? And if the white hairs change color and/or recede into the calyx, then what?
  10. faridadrin

    imm help

    Hi dude... Wow you got a lot of information and you're a professional in the field. I really envy you for the purple color...congratulations... Is there any way I could send you some of my plants' photos? I really want you to see them.... Possible at all? and how?
  11. faridadrin

    imm help

    Hi dear Codester25, thanks for the encouragement, eye master, I'll wait but don't you think it's a bit too long? Cause it's getting colder here that we have to close the windows at nights... Does the coldness have anything to do with flowering?
  12. faridadrin

    imm help

    Oh I'm sorry, thought i could upload an image, but my profile picture is the image I was talking about... and they're much taller and bigger now and have started to flower yesterday... but their yield isn't as the amount I expected. Do the flowers get bigger?
  13. faridadrin

    imm help

  14. faridadrin

    Wow a flower who plants flower!

    Wow a flower who plants flower!
  15. faridadrin

    imm help

    THANKS a million dear Codester25, I can rest in peace now and enjoy waiting to die... check out my girls, what's your idea?
  16. faridadrin

    imm help

    thanks guys, it was a great help. I live in a mountainous region up north somewhere in Iraq. I'm asking my question again: Is that possible that my plants won't be flowering at all? no matter how long it takes, I will wait all my life if I make sure they flower sometime in the future. please...
  17. faridadrin

    imm help

    hi there.... some of my girls have shown their hairs on some parts, but there's still no news of flowering after passing about 3 weeks. What's wrong with my girls? do they flower at all? how long later should I wait? please help me it's fucking drive me up the wall. specifications: Sativa &...