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  1. brian1002

    Plants growth stalling in flower

    Sorry man in in Coco hand feeding hand build room in loft temps normally 24 - 27c and in under two 600w hps lights stain black kush
  2. brian1002

    Plants growth stalling in flower

    Anyone that can offer any advise ? Plz
  3. brian1002

    Plants growth stalling in flower

    Hi guys I have a prob looking to get a lil advise, im at the end of week 6 flower now on what it a 8 week flower cycle. Iv just noticed that I probs have a potassium prob, an the buds haven't gotten as far as they normally would have by now, iv started adding shogun silicon to my mix today to...
  4. brian1002

    help yellowing leaves

    yup good plan this needs to happen in soil anyway remeber ur roots need to breath too ;)
  5. brian1002

    help yellowing leaves

    lol good man, remember with MG less is more just go easy and things should hopefully clear up, lets us know how u go..stay happy !
  6. brian1002

    help yellowing leaves

    also keep ur ph'ed water around 6.5 or so and by time it trickles down to the bottom it should of lowered to around 5.5 or so this may also help too
  7. brian1002

    help yellowing leaves

    try wating a bit less man MG is a water release feed soil so more water u keep adding a the more nutes it will release
  8. brian1002

    Read This First!

    thats awesome man just wot u want to be doing really, as if u need to clear a few out for in the middle area of ur lil girl dont be scared to..just keep it to a small amount just to let that bit of light down thru :)
  9. brian1002

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    it will stress her a lil bit yes but nothing to bad really a lil bit of stress could help her produce more resins also keeping humidity low around 40% - 50% helps in that process ur call on that really man. think i would just spread them nicely now if ur using a screen and let her do her...
  10. brian1002

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    if u have already started to flower her mate, i would say leave topping it this time as all the stongest bud they will grow are in the tops that are already there now, i would suggest topping is best done in early to mid veg stage, and not to go over bored only top ever couple of nodes..NOT...
  11. brian1002

    Read This First!

    awesome man shes looking great !! :) happy days, should start to see some nice buttons forming in the next week or so well done mate..and im not sure wot u mean by "tip a plant" mate do u mean top ??
  12. brian1002

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    i would say that looks like a calmag issue of poss a ph issue, r u using a digi ph pen of a manual kit..i had same prob in a bubbler bucket it started as a calmag issue, and then went to a ph issue, as my ph digi pen needed to be calibrated so deff two things to check on there.. good luck man !
  13. brian1002

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    let it grow another set of fresh leafs or two, then start on a light nute mix and build up slowly
  14. brian1002

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    i probs wouldnt spary epsom on cuttings/seedlings untill they hav a nice little roots system showing might burn them
  15. brian1002

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    no probs did u get things sorted out man ?
  16. brian1002

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    yh all sounds normal, as for the clones they should yellow off in time thats the plants way of getting the energy to make the new roots, it takes it from its reserve in a move to servie
  17. brian1002

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    im really not sure about this as im in hydroponic so mine hav water there when ever it wants it but im sure ur find something on here to tell u that but on a guess i would think that they dry out pretty fast so maybe once or twice a day ? but plz try do some looking up on here cause i could well...
  18. brian1002

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    na, i think if ur already past the hand watering stage, u should be good with just the one good wash.. id boil them things up for like 20 mins make sure there cleaned then u should b good for the rest of ur grow ! im goin to giv mine a flush thru this week b4 i put on flower as i had to...
  19. brian1002

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    no probs hope thing pick up an go well for u happy growing !
  20. brian1002

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    hi, looks like some sort of stress on the plant could be over watering or could be to much or to little nutes, but if ur running on 500 - 700 ppm maybe thats the issue if ur plant is only like a month old or so mayb try droping the nutes a little an make sure u let your medium dry out good b4...