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  1. Chase Jordan

    are my plants near ready to harvest? pics

    thanks to all of you, 4 weeks wont kill me, but ive noticed a ton on gnats on the buds, are they dangerous to my beautiful flowers?
  2. Chase Jordan

    are my plants near ready to harvest? pics

    okay 2-4 weeks sounds good to me, but I should wait until the pistils are mostly red. Thanks Velvet Elvis. I have attempted a few grows before, but all turned out hermies, so hopefully this is my first successful grow. outdoors is much easier then indoors.
  3. Chase Jordan

    are my plants near ready to harvest? pics

    This is my first grow, I cant find a proper magnifying glass in town. Going to have to order one. but in the mean time, I have four plants, the smallest might be nearing harvest. I have read about the pistils turning colors, but should I wait until the entire pistil turns amber, or do only the...