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  1. SkyOfGreen

    Flushing with florakleen

    i used the nute change procedure sunny suggested, worked beautifully. white ash boys, white ash
  2. SkyOfGreen

    Flushing with florakleen

  3. SkyOfGreen

    Don't feel the same ever since.. Please help

    Sounds exactly like a panic attack to me man, You prob dont feel normal because you keep telling yourself that your not and searching for symptoms. just relax you will be totally fine
  4. SkyOfGreen

    Flushing with florakleen

    Hello Rollituppers! My harvest is in 3 days, I am using a dwc system. im going to use florakleen during the last 2 days im just wondering how long i let the solution sit in my resevoir for before exchanging. The instructions for nutrient changes say to drain it after 2 hours. But says nothing...
  5. SkyOfGreen

    Plant requires aid

    Its a hydro growbox setup, the base holds a gallon of water, just below the 3 inch net pots, Yeah im going to grab some calmag for sure. My ex coworker owns a growshop so i took majority of what he told me to heart. he said nothing about switching base size. For the moment he isnt answering his...
  6. SkyOfGreen

    Plant requires aid

    Hey there Rollituppers! Currently my little girl isnt doing so hot. The browning on the leaves started to occur as of yesterday. I think its possible Nute burn or calcium deficiency. Id like a second opinion please and thank you. This is my first time, be gentle.
  7. SkyOfGreen

    Attitude Sept Promo - Cali Connection

    I just received my order yesterday. The stealth shipping used was very nice! I am interested to find out more about the height of these strains. I have a 3ft tall grow box so it really marginalizes what i can run :(