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  1. D

    Best way(s) to create bud size/weight in final 2 weeks???

    Nothing. Proper feeding and watering throughout the grow make the difference. In my experience none of the boosters or molasses or different light cycles make any difference.
  2. D

    Budmaster 675w LED Grow

    Well done mate so ur going the autopots way I quite like them myself will b interesting to c how they develop defo signed up and looking forward to all ur posts and pics best of luck mate hope it runs smoothly for u...
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    Guerrilla Guide

    Any more feedback, next chapter will be up sometime this week.
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    Diamonds in the Rough: A Bagseed, Homemade Hybrids and Unknowns Showcase

    Nice lookin stuff, UncleRemis! Ya never know em til ya grow em.