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  1. Rexes787

    Help! Please and thank you!

    Thanks bro
  2. Rexes787

    Help! Please and thank you!

    I'm growing these with the same dirt but they don't have the same defect.
  3. Rexes787

    Help! Please and thank you!

    yeah its regular dirt from my lawn, I hope it stays alive
  4. Rexes787

    Help! Please and thank you!

    Im in L.A, its pretty hot out here so idk if that effects it in some sort of way
  5. Rexes787

    Help! Please and thank you!

    well I'm growing outside, first time actually growing so I'm trying to figure out methods, I am doing my research on pH levels and different lighting etc.. Thanks for the reply
  6. Rexes787

    Help! Please and thank you!

    Is it normal for the plant leaf to twist like that? or even look like that?
  7. Rexes787

    New Grower Help!

    thanks for the tip. I have another question. They sprouted already but one of them has brown on one of the tips of its leaf and looks like its shribbling up, do you have any idea whats wrong with it?
  8. Rexes787

    New Grower Help!

    they sprouted already but one of the leafs on one is getting brown? any advice? Im in L.A so its really hot could the sun be burning it up?
  9. Rexes787

    New Grower Help!

    everyone tells me that I tried it. thanks bro
  10. Rexes787

    New Grower Help!

    yeahh I planted them already
  11. Rexes787

    Germinating Seeds. Help

    yeah but im going to plant them anyways lol maybe they'll grow. thanks
  12. Rexes787

    Germinating Seeds. Help

    Thanks bro. Im going to try this method when I plant my other patch!
  13. Rexes787

    Germinating Seeds. Help

    I did ! thanks
  14. Rexes787

    Germinating Seeds. Help

    I was experimenting different methods and this one works great! thanks
  15. Rexes787

    Germinating Seeds. Help

    Im going to try that thanks!
  16. Rexes787

    Germinating Seeds. Help

    thanks for your input bro lol
  17. Rexes787

    New Grower Help!

    I put 7 seeds to germinate in a cup of water, they all sunk to the bottom but only 4 have sprouted little roots. What do I do about the other 3? will they still grow? Ive had them in there for about 3 days.
  18. Rexes787

    Germinating Seeds. Help

    I put 7 seeds in a cup of water only 4 have shown a root growing. What do I do about the other 3?