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  1. russianterrorist

    New Grower. Temps inside tent at 31 degrees celsius, do I need to get it cooler?

    Hi there people I have a 600 watt light and currently the temps inside the bud tent are at 31 degrees Celsius, I have read some things that say temps need to be lower than what I have. Should i try and lower the temp?
  2. russianterrorist

    Are my plants leaves turning yellow?

    I wonder if indica or sativa are more prone to these genetic mutations or if its just the breeders doing some werid things. Do you think that you could by any chance share some tips with me maybe on how I could go about cooling a grow tent?
  3. russianterrorist

    Are my plants leaves turning yellow?

    I did not realize marijuana plants were so freaky, awesome pics thanks very much for sharing
  4. russianterrorist

    Are my plants leaves turning yellow?

    Wow them pics you posted are amazing man, Ive never seen anything like that before. How the hell do leaves split in colour like that, very interesting, wonder if them strains are any more potent? Are they your plants in the pics shown??
  5. russianterrorist

    Are my plants leaves turning yellow?

    Oh ok, that is also very strange, I guess the people who breed them fuck up some how?? by the way lil off topic here, do you have any tips on cooling down grown tents?
  6. russianterrorist

    Are my plants leaves turning yellow?

    :mrgreen: LOL its that much of a rare thing?
  7. russianterrorist

    Are my plants leaves turning yellow?

    When you say three leafed are you meaning all the new leaves to grow only had 3 fingers on them??
  8. russianterrorist

    Are my plants leaves turning yellow?

    Do you think its possible my other kush seeds have the same thing? :shock:
  9. russianterrorist

    Are my plants leaves turning yellow?

    Do you know of a mutant plant to go all the way and flower?
  10. russianterrorist

    Are my plants leaves turning yellow?

    Very strange, yes this is what mine looked like, but then i chopped one, wish i didnt now.
  11. russianterrorist

    Are my plants leaves turning yellow?

    Have you had a twin with a marijuana plant?
  12. russianterrorist

    Are my plants leaves turning yellow?

    that simple huh lol thanks
  13. russianterrorist

    Are my plants leaves turning yellow?

    Hi there was curious if you ever let one of the twins grow to its full potential when your gardening your tomatoes?
  14. russianterrorist

    Are my plants leaves turning yellow?

    Do you remember the strain of the twin that you saw?
  15. russianterrorist

    Are my plants leaves turning yellow?

    Ok I will read the links you posted thanks very much for them by the way, quick question, what casues Mg def??
  16. russianterrorist

    Are my plants leaves turning yellow?

    так как я могу решить эту проблему доброе сэр ?
  17. russianterrorist

    Are my plants leaves turning yellow?

    Twins hey you learn something new everyday, I chopped the twin down as I thought it may interfere in a negative way. Im thinking I should have let it continue.Do you know what causes the mutation? Do you think the other kush seeds I have could end up doing the same thing? Thanks
  18. russianterrorist

    Are my plants leaves turning yellow?

    Yes I am waiting for my powerful light to arrive then i will set it up. I purchased a dual spec bulb so I hope the plant will enjoy :)
  19. russianterrorist

    Are my plants leaves turning yellow?

    Hi man the soil is called canna terra professional, I have a product called canna terra vega I was planning on feeding her a small amount when the next watering is needed, do you think this is suitable?
  20. russianterrorist

    Are my plants leaves turning yellow?

    Hi there the plant I am growing is a kush strain, it's 100% indica or so the breeders claim. When it first popped through the soil there were 2 seedlings together...?