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  1. R

    When to flower?

    And another
  2. R

    When to flower?

    Another pic
  3. R

    When to flower?

    Thanks again to all who have given me tips, tomorrow I will be 8 weeks since seed 2 weeks into flowering and they seem to be getting along alright.
  4. R

    When to flower?

    I actually measured the distance from bulb to plants last night and it's actually 20 inches so I might go a little closer again based on this chart. I assume the tropical line is the line to follow? Thanks for sharing. I start week 5 tomorrow so going to give mine another week before changing...
  5. R

    When to flower?

    The guy in the grow shop said it's ok to veg with a hps just once I give it a little more distance than when in flower. Looking at my pics they don't appear to have stretched cause they are still only iphone height in week 4. Planted seed on sept 12th. Also electricity bill isn't really am issue...
  6. R

    When to flower?

    Thanks for the advice mate. Any idea on how close my hps 250w should be to the top of my girls? And should this change from veg to flower stage?
  7. R

    When to flower?

    Ive ad mixed reports on this so I don't actually know but open to others opinions, might move it closer this week actually, suppose it's all trial and error
  8. R

    When to flower?

    Thanks again
  9. R

    When to flower?

  10. R

    When to flower?

    Hi man, Thanks for your feedback. I've taken a couple of pics of my plants, hopefully you can advise on flowering and general state of them as it's my first time growing. Thanks Reggie
  11. R

    When to flower?

    Hi Growers, I'm a first time grower and currently have the following set up; 3plants in 15litre pots 80x80x180 tent Extractor fan and carbon filter 250w Hps light 30 inch from plants Began germination on 12th sept. Didn't put light on them until they were a week old and were 3cms high Since...
  12. R

    Please help, first time grower

    Tha thanks a million for the advice, very much appreciated, happy growing
  13. R

    Please help, first time grower

    Watering with water that comes out of an osmosis unit, then I leave it out over night to absorb any chlorine. I'll cool the jets so with the nutes for a week and see how they get on or recover. Any other tips?
  14. R

    Please help, first time grower

    Here's my temp
  15. R

    Please help, first time grower

    My other plants look like this
  16. R

    Please help, first time grower

    I am using biobizz grow as nutes and watering 1ml per litre 3 times a week. I don't have anything to check the ph but the potting compost I used is a ph between 6-7 it says on the back of the pack. Should I invest in a ph reader? Is the ph really that important that it can cripple a plant...
  17. R

    Please help, first time grower

    Hello, I am a first time grower and 3 weeks into it I've noticed little yellow marks on my leaves. Google tells me it could be burning from water droplets left on the leaves but I just want to open it up to more advice in case it's not. Can anyone please advise? Details about grow; 3 weeks...