Search results

  1. I

    my dealers tryin to convince me my weed lost 5 grams of water weight overnight LOL

    My name is Irfan and I'm from Israel I came to Halifax at Canada last week and I', looking for some weed to smoke, I've been walking the streets for 4 days and still haven't got any. Its like hell in here searching for some buds, I thought it would be easier to find cause the people are nice but...
  2. I

    my dealers tryin to convince me my weed lost 5 grams of water weight overnight LOL

    Where can I find a dealer in Halifax? I've been here since last Wednesday and I can't find no one, been at skate shops parks and smokers shops and no one can help me, Im gonna be here till saturday then Im flying to Alberta and There I have friends that could get me some but here im lost... any...