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  1. T

    Sun Systems LEC 315 - Reviews?

    So I went with 8 of the 315's, simply because the 630 wasn't available when I purchased. But after very minimal readings I convinced myself that I'd rather have the 315's for flexability on light placement. Heres my incomplete setup. A bunch of things I still need to finish, run co2 lines...
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    Helios 10 Light controller (breaker question)

    Sorry maybe I'm a bit high ;) I was wanting to replace the breaker on the Helios 10 with a 20a, and plug that into the 40a dryer outlet. That way, when the lights are on they wont get more than 20a, but on the off occasion, I can just unplug the helios and use the dryer at its normal 40a. I'm...
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    Helios 10 Light controller (breaker question)

    Heres the situation. My current 40a 240 dryer outlet is *most likely* not going to be used. (depending on how well this little 120v combo unit works out...) So, I could replace that breaker with a 20a and just run any ol' 8 outlet controller, BUT just in the rare case I need to use a 240 dryer...
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    Helios 10 Light controller (breaker question)

    Anyone with one of these, can you tell me if the breaker is replaceable? also what style of breaker is it? This is exactly what I need only with a 20a breaker.
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    Sun Systems LEC 315 - Reviews?

    Good Info, Thanks :) I do have the 240v's as amp draw was a deciding factor. I didn't want to have to provide 50 amps to the light controller sense all 8 of these only draw 1/4 that. Do you see a problem with hooking 4 up to a surge protector->timer->dedicated 10a? Should I consider 15a? I...
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    Sun Systems LEC 315 - Reviews?

    I was thinking of having 2 x 10a circuits. 4 lights (~6a)per. power coming from a 50a sub panel. Electrician should be coming this week
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    Sun Systems LEC 315 - Reviews?

    So say I was running 8 of the lec315, should I be using a typical hid lighting controller like a helios 8? Considering how low the amp draw is for them I was wonderingif a controller is needed