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  1. P

    A-51 growers thread

    Thx! Did you request the upgrade or did they just offer?
  2. P

    A-51 growers thread

    Hey guys! I just received my RW-150's I ordered a while back! I am very happy with the quality of the light, but I have one defective fixture... a large number of lights do not work on this particular unit. All the reds are fine, but half of the whites do not work. Anyone else have any problem...
  3. P

    Questions about Flowering Time

    Anyone have any experience with OG wreck? I've been looking around and cant find any information regarding the flowering time. Can you guys help me out with some of your go-to websites where you can find alot of info about strains?
  4. P

    A-51 growers thread

    Cool, thanks for the explanation and suggestions. Going to put in some orders for the RW 150's within the next few days. I appreciate the advice, as this will be my first grow with LED lights.
  5. P

    300w SCRoG Passive Hydro - 6 strains

    Good stuff man! At what point do you have to add nutes to the water?
  6. P

    300w SCRoG Passive Hydro - 6 strains

    How big is that pot again? I've seen greengenes grow comparison of the AT600 vs 1000 watt hps, and he has had some very good results, and I'm hearing TONS about the Area51 leds. I'll probably go with those and start a journal as soon as possible :)
  7. P

    A-51 growers thread

    aaaah ok, so mixing them is pretty much no benefit or harm I take it. Why would 4 RW's give more yield than the higher wattage of the XGS?
  8. P

    A-51 growers thread

    Cool thanks for the response here and in the other thread. Do they have a phone number to call or is all customer service done through email?
  9. P

    Okay stop !!' At600 or 4 xgs190???

    Yea, DIY LED is beyond me right now. I grew for several years with a 600 watt HPS, with some heat issues here and there. Had varying success depending on how well I kept the conditions. After a 3 year hiatus, I would like to try LED's to keep heat and electric costs down. I'm leaning towards...
  10. P

    A-51 growers thread

    Anyone have them ship a unit from China, if so, how much is the shipping? How much heat do the 160's and 190's put out? Would 4 units produce a lot of heat in a 4x4x7 area? Am considering either Apache At600 or 4 160's/190's(having to ship from China if they still do that). Also, would mixing...
  11. P

    Okay stop !!' At600 or 4 xgs190???

    Considering they are always out of stock, At600 seems like an easier buy if you need to start right away. Although, I'm still considering A51's lights assuming that I'll pay more for shipping from China. Anyone know what the shipping charges from A51's china warehouse are?
  12. P

    300w SCRoG Passive Hydro - 6 strains

    I hear that! Medicinal grade is what I'm shooting for. I've had really good results before with general hydroponics floranova with only bat guano added during flowering. Trying Maxibloom this grow though, as I've been reading people have been getting sweet results using that the whole way...
  13. P

    300w SCRoG Passive Hydro - 6 strains

    I hear ya! I really wanted to do soil this grow but decided against it, since it's my first grow in almost 3 years. So, someone advised me to stick with what I know. At least for this round. Since I always grew in 4x4, I usually did a dtw in 5 gal pots with coconut pebbles. But, I am VERY...
  14. P

    300w SCRoG Passive Hydro - 6 strains

    Cool info! I never did soil before, but I'm interested in trying that out one day in a 4x4,.
  15. P

    Apache Tech AT600 Grow - Sannie's Sugar Punch SCROG

    Hey H.M., nice stuff you got goin on there. I am considering an Apache purchase myself. Either Apache or a Spyder 600, since Area 51's are out of stock. Any new updates or did you run into some problems???