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  1. L

    Marijuana And It's Effect On The Prostate/Sexual Organs

    I was always a daily smoker if weed was available, but used maybe 2 joints a day in the "before growing times"----My habits----3 times a week at the gym-work with weights mostly-good diet, lots of veges-I do eat meat-too much sugar though--not overweight ( 6feet and 180lbs)--used to drink daily...
  2. L

    Marijuana And It's Effect On The Prostate/Sexual Organs

    I joined this forum just to post this info-thanks to all before me because I don't feel so unsure now. I am almost 65 and have been a heavy pot smoker since 18 years old. Here in Calif we can grow it so I have really used a lot in the last ten years-approx 10 to 15 joints a day (I'm retired)...