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  1. Bombadil

    Cant decide what piece i should buy

    I agree with the bubbler. I tend to use more with a bong, and pipes tend to start to hurt my throat if I try and smoke too much. If you get a bubbler, make sure it will stand up by itself. I like sherlock bubblers; hammers tend to get water in your mouth.
  2. Bombadil

    New Chest Piece Tattoo

    You should have incorporated your nipples somehow.
  3. Bombadil

    Do You Read?

    I read a fair amount. I'm currently working on Frank Herbert's Dune series.
  4. Bombadil

    Possibly the best commercial ever Another great commercial.
  5. Bombadil

    A new life

    Go ahead and start a caregiver operation while you've got the cash. It'll beat the shit out of working for someone else for $10 an hour.
  6. Bombadil

    Free 2 day shipping on for a month

  7. Bombadil

    Me and a friend are disputing. Help end this.

    I usually pack a bowl and smoke on it for an hour or so. I never get balls fuck stoned, but I'm high/buzzed all day; I rarely run out of weed where my friends who smoke big bowls all the time do.
  8. Bombadil

    Free 2 day shipping on for a month

    Anyone know of any good deals on Amazon?
  9. Bombadil


    Hell yeah. Just got a .01 gram scale and a 50g calibration weight for $27 with free shipping because of a free Amazon Prime trial.
  10. Bombadil

    Marriage Proposal

    I like it. My girlfriend would love it as well. She loves pot as much as I do though.
  11. Bombadil

    Pot and Antidepressants (Pristiq)

    Does anyone know the drawbacks, if there are any, of mixing pot and antidepressants, particularly Pristiq. Thanks in advance.
  12. Bombadil

    I was sent to a controversial behavioral modification program for young adults.

    I remember watching a pot documentary where they sent people "addicted" (bullshit) to pot to a place like this. They interviewed a 50ish year old man who was still fucked up from the experience. What did your parents think when they found out the truth, if they ever did?
  13. Bombadil

    If someone +reps you, do you +rep them back?

    What's your practice?
  14. Bombadil

    canada wtf? yall are fkin nuts!

    They've had way to much Red Bull.
  15. Bombadil


    Fuckin' sweet
  16. Bombadil

    Correlation Between TV Shows and Personality?

    I've noticed a difference in TV shows watched by people with different personalities. I'm pretty chill and watch a lot of Nat. Geo., History, and Discovery; mainly informational type shows. My girlfriend is very dramatic about things. She gets upset pretty easily and lets things get to her...
  17. Bombadil

    Anyone from Tennessee have....

    I live in Mississippi, about 30 miles from Tennessee. If they're anything like Mississippi, it'll be a while.
  18. Bombadil

    Grinder Vs Breaking up by hand

    I had a grinder that I never used, until I bought a $70 ounce of schwag. Breaking that stuff up by hand takes forever.
  19. Bombadil

    Best Marijuana Documentaries.

    The Green Rush is on Hulu.
  20. Bombadil

    Anyone know a good disk clean up program?

    You've got ram slots on the motherboard. Call Best Buy or Circuit City and ask them what info they need about your computer to determine the type of ram you need. This is the easiest, but not the cheapest way, if you're unfamiliar with the hardware aspects of a computer.