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  1. RagnaRock

    Small dark dots, spider webs and a small worm

    they were very small, like 5mm long and 0.5mm thick and green. I've removed them by hand, applied neem oil and it worked
  2. RagnaRock

    Small dark dots, spider webs and a small worm

    I bought some neem oil, I've put 1ml in 500ml of water and sprayed my plants with it. So far it solved it. I havent seen spiders, just a few worms that ate a lot of my plants. But they seem to be recovering, althought since these are automatic plants, I think the yield will be significant smaler...
  3. RagnaRock

    Small dark dots, spider webs and a small worm

    To start you can see some pictures here: There are some dark dots witch I think it might be some kind of egs... Then there is some sort of fungus or spider webs (although I havent seen any spider) And today I found a worm in...
  4. RagnaRock

    First Grow Ever, Automatics Indoors

    As a final note... after dried it gave 69g :)
  5. RagnaRock

    First Grow Ever, Automatics Indoors

    Some last pics... Tomorrow I'll cut them
  6. RagnaRock

    No idea of whats wrong...

    A few more pics... the plant is not smelling well anymore.. I belive its mold... any way to stop it?
  7. RagnaRock

    No idea of whats wrong...

    yes it is the end, 1 ou 2 weeks more if it goes exactly like Royal queen seeds say. So its all ok?
  8. RagnaRock

    No idea of whats wrong...

    My plants are in the 8th week since germination. (the hit the 7weeks marks on the 12th of january) And I they had too much nutrients a week ago... since them I gave them only whater.. but the problems seem not to disapear, some leaves have dark areas, and some dark dots, you can see some curled...
  9. RagnaRock

    Leaves dying

    actually I have 2 plants, both shoing the same symptoms. Both automatic. I didnt cut in anything... but I did water too litle... the soil did became too hard and the water could hardly penetrate on it... meanwhile I've solved that. Today i've flushed them with 1,5L of water each after reading...
  10. RagnaRock

    Leaves dying

    During the 5th week (since germination) until now (the 6th) my plant leaves have started to die... they started to turn yellow (it looked like they had low N) but now besides that they also show some dark areas. As I dont have the pictures here, please look at them in my diarry here...
  11. RagnaRock

    First Grow Ever, Automatics Indoors

    Is this lack of nutrition or overfeed?
  12. RagnaRock

    First Grow Ever, Automatics Indoors

    Not looking so great. Is this due to the lack of nutrients? (I've been giving them bio-grow, bio-bloom and top max in very conservative dosages about 1ml/l ) The water I used is bottled water with 6.6ph (thats what the label says)
  13. RagnaRock

    First Grow Ever, Automatics Indoors

    Todays update
  14. RagnaRock

    First Grow Ever, Automatics Indoors

    4 weeks since germination. There are some yellow marks... what can it be?
  15. RagnaRock

    First Grow Ever, Automatics Indoors

    Floration is starting I believe :)
  16. RagnaRock

    First Grow Ever, Automatics Indoors

    Yes, those spots... I add some extra pics to see if you (or anyone else) confirm that it is just that (or not...)
  17. RagnaRock

    First Grow Ever, Automatics Indoors

    Pictures from today... the blueberry is showing some problems... what can it be? too many nutrients? I havent give any and the plant was not watered for 3 days (I did water it today)
  18. RagnaRock

    First Grow Ever, Automatics Indoors

    Todays pictures
  19. RagnaRock

    First Grow Ever, Automatics Indoors

    11 days since germination... Do you think they are developing normally?
  20. RagnaRock

    First Grow Ever, Automatics Indoors

    Developing a bit slow I supose... but at least they are still alive :P