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  1. Left On Green

    Wtf, ants in my pot plant soil.

    If I were one of those ants, i'd put up a fight to leave too, they hit the jackpot - lol. Here is some information I found to help you out: For most species, control is only necessary in the garden if the population gets out of hand. Garden varieties do not actually eat plants or actively...
  2. Left On Green

    Asking someone if they grow?

    It does take QUITE a bit of effort to bring quality herb to the masses, but the rewards reap themselves. :D If this is something that you truly wish to do yourself, to get started, you would need at least 500 dollars for a modest setup. That would include the light, tent, airponics, bubble...
  3. Left On Green

    Seedling help

    Hi there, yeah everyone is right, you need to push it a bit further down, and the opening of the seed needs to be facing down for the embryo to seek out the moisture and develop roots. Now it's a good idea to plant at least 5-6 seeds, that way you have an optimal chance of getting a Fem in your...
  4. Left On Green

    how to get that loud smell?

    The dank and musty smell of great bud has it's rewards and penalties. The reward is, if it's yours, you get to set it on fire :D. The penalty of that is, if you set it on fire, other people will be able to point it out easier. But I have found that a proper cure will produce the smell that...
  5. Left On Green

    Bug ID (picture)

    Well if I were a bug, i think that I would have hit the jackpot. LOL But I agree, that little friend has to go, like now. Left on Green
  6. Left On Green

    Nutrient choices

    I use CES(Cutting Edge Solutions) nutrients and my blooms have always been great. Left On Green
  7. Left On Green

    What is that delicious aroma?

    What is that delicious aroma?