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    A good guide for a small indoor plant

    p.s not that easyy including stress to plant, good nutes and timing.
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    Joint, bong or pipe

    100 per cent glass bong, i once had a 5 foot bong, professionally made and bought, but i gotta say 2 hits off this fucker and i was gone for at least 6 hours, with super silver haze back from amsterdam !!!
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    Quick attention ...... I have tried growing recently in an old freezer ventialtion is the number 1 priority as i found out the hard way !!! Are you shutting the fridge door and how u getting ventilation in there u cud be the info guy i need !!!! Appreiciate a hasty reply, hope im not sounding...
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    1 week old and bending?

    thats the only problem with watering everyone has there own opinion, i was watering them every 2 days, then i watered them every time i felt the top of the soil was bone dry now your saying 3-4 days. i cnt decide which route to take so fuck it im sticking with my ownim using a stick, every time...
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    The Cost of Growing

    like the thread a big worry to me and a mass of growers i know too, how much will 1 flourescent tube on 24/7, and an MH 150 watt floodlight on 18/6 how much will it roughly cost me ??
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    1 week old and bending?

    thatss ok mate what seeds you have what type ??? u think my grow will go better in the chest of draws in the garage??? so far my seedlings havent even got to the stage where there are even 2 large leaves like you see in the first 2 weeks, i havent had that yet , what am i doing wrong ? cud it be...
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    1 week old and bending?

    cheers green earth, ive left the lid open for a few hours a day now and the stem is on the mend hoo fucking ra the only thing is the leaves havent grown in size have drooped over and are a dark green colour, havent added nutes or ferts yet anyway any suggestions m8 ???
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    New grower needing hints?? can u help?

    i just bought a 150 watt MH floodlight, with already 2 failed attempts of brainstorm haze im back on the horse and got another 2 seeds in any hints or tips??? im using miracle grow for veg and tomatolite for flowering period with BNQ compost with apparently everything for a seedling . im using...
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    New grower needing hints?? can u help?

    yh i got my main seeds from amsterdam but im in london constantly in and out,, where u from i from east london ???? we get nice punk but im always looking for more,, u have god skunk where u from ????? let me know amsterdam
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    The Cost of Growing

    I AGREE, growing should be an outside, quiet and secret hobbie but once you get involved fuck its more addictive than smoking it lol one thing u have to calcutlate is Harvest+investment = risk risk risk.....if the risk is too much maybe a samll bedroom grow ???? ive only got two plants in seed...
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    1 week old and bending?

    well at the mo i kept the lid shut constantly but now im leaving it open throught work hours 8am-1 in the afternoon, im finding out that a old fridge freezer is shit to grow in but i was eager, im trying to convert an old chest of draws but for now freezer will have to do and tips ??? any wud...
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    1 week old and bending?

    fucking stoned, my MH light (150watt) hangs from a DIY hanging stand bout a foot over my plants, ive planted 2 fresh females of brainstorm haze from amsterdam. (not the net i actually was there when i bought em fucking gr8 time aswell) and plans or tip from seedlings to actually havving a great...
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    1 week old and bending?

    just wanna say cheers to all replies, taken on board too much light and fan is on way too much !! even help save me £. ive got another problem i opened my "grow area" (freezer) to find a mass of smoke/ steam not sure which yet but scared the shit out of me. my MH
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    1 week old and bending?

    CAN ANYONE HELP ME..................... right i started 7 days ago after throwing my first 2 failed attempts i have the next 2 in soil, they are small and i have a oscilatting fan on 24/7, i have a MH floddlight on them 24/7 through veg stage. the only thing is that when the shells fall off the...
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    Quiet. The Neighbors Can Hear You (Sound Control Thread)

    i find that actually using an old lay down type freezer can make the perfect grow area, of course if u have one laying about in the garage like i did, the seal on the freezer keeps any odours and noise to a complete minimum. ive only just started to grow myself but i believe as they get bigger...
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    2nd Grow, Cheese & Brainstorm

    im growing brainstorm fem seeds from amsterdam dutch passion..... using floro tube for first 2 weeks and 250 watt hps lamps thereafter, and tips on light wattage ? nutrients and fertilizer in england? where and how much ??? please all tips and hints are appreciated contact
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    2nd Grow, Cheese & Brainstorm

    right, i just got back from amsterdam with 10 fem dutch passion brainstorm seeds, thinkning of using a floro tube for first 2 weeks and 250 watt hps lamps after that ggrowing in an old refubished freezer, any tips or helps involving : wattage of lights ? enuff ? nutrients in england and...
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    2nd Grow, Cheese & Brainstorm

    right, i just got back from amsterdam with 10 fem dutch passion brainstorm seeds, thinkning of using a floro tube for first 2 weeks and 250 watt hps lamps after that ggrowing in an old refubished freezer, any tips or helps involving : wattage of lights ? enuff ? nutrients in england and...
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    Hindu Kush (Nirvana) Germinated 7-31-08

    can i ask, im growing in a reconstructed chest of draws,, are you using regular soil and tap water and where did u get fertiliser from???
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    New grower needing hints?? can u help?

    well i have a mate whu grows them from seeds. i am growing from femals cuttings so i get a guarenttee grow, where u from in essex???