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  1. GrandonB

    Weird Golden Powder appearing on New Growth

    Thanks for the advice, and jonnyquest Yeah after 3 applications I'm not seeing them anymore, I caught it right as the eggs were hatching and I haven't had any flying around yet. Thanks again!
  2. GrandonB

    Weird Golden Powder appearing on New Growth

    Yeah, sorry about the confusion. When I originally looked I was using a pretty cheap jewelers eye, my friend let me use his nicer one and I was able to see the little bastards moving. Thanks for the help though, really appreciate it especially as a new guy whose just learning the ropes. Any...
  3. GrandonB

    Weird Golden Powder appearing on New Growth

    here it is guys, the invasion of thrips. The mother burrows into the plant tissue (often into wounds or recently pruned areas of the plants) and lays her eggs so they can begin consuming the nutrition being sent there. It looks like keef but when you get closer it's a bunch of squirming little shits
  4. GrandonB

    Weird Golden Powder appearing on New Growth

    They were moving, I did some research and identified the problem as thrips. Shook the plant out and started spraying immediately
  5. GrandonB

    Weird Golden Powder appearing on New Growth

    I've had the plants in 24 hour lighting for the vegging and I cut away an infected branch and now the powder has collected around where I cut away the branch, if this helps anything
  6. GrandonB

    Weird Golden Powder appearing on New Growth

    That's not my plant, that's one I found that resembles it on the internet. I'll post a pic in a second when I get home from work
  7. GrandonB

    Weird Golden Powder appearing on New Growth

    Haha, yeah it's only on three lower chutes of the plant, I'm worried that it might be thrips. Can pollen be present in vegging? or is this a unique characteristic to the aurora strain?
  8. GrandonB

    Weird Golden Powder appearing on New Growth

    this is the only picture I could find that is displaying what my plants are displaying (minus the heat stress)
  9. GrandonB

    Weird Golden Powder appearing on New Growth

    No I do not. The plants are in 3 gal pots with soil and I water them conventionally. Someone offered the idea that it was dried nutrients from foliar feeding, is that is what you are getting at?
  10. GrandonB

    Weird Golden Powder appearing on New Growth

    Hello all, I'm relatively new to the growing community and I have been vegging two plants (Purple Chem and Aurora Indica) for about two months now. The entire time has been great and my plants looked healthy until just recently the new growth on the Aurora started displaying an odd golden powder...