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  1. G

    i have no idea what this is?!?!

    Found this on my plant a couple days ago not sure what it is. The spots are yellow and they aren't spreading to any other plants. Any ideas??
  2. G

    yellowing on edges of leaves, need advice!

    What should I put in tea?
  3. G

    yellowing on edges of leaves, need advice!

    Nope I've been doing it at like1/2 strength
  4. G

    yellowing on edges of leaves, need advice!

    I haven't should I?
  5. G

    yellowing on edges of leaves, need advice!

    No too sure what this could be. I have them in FF ocean forest and I have been feeding at nutrients at 1/4 power. Any ideas or thoughts on this?
  6. G

    My first grow and leaves are twisting to side.

    What exactly do you mean? Sorrykinda new to the terminology
  7. G

    My first grow and leaves are twisting to side.

    How long do you think I should wait??
  8. G

    My first grow and leaves are twisting to side.

    Ok thanks man, Ill post pics soon so you can see how they turn out
  9. G

    My first grow and leaves are twisting to side.

    Ok should I just slow down on the nutes and let them recover themselves?
  10. G

    My first grow and leaves are twisting to side.

    About 2 3/4 - 3 ft
  11. G

    My first grow and leaves are twisting to side.

    I used the floralicious grow , rapid root, and one more floralicious nute. Not sure what it's called right now I have the set up at a different house. But I seen other people say to use them at half power at first after I had already used the full dose. Could this be it?
  12. G

    My first grow and leaves are twisting to side.

    Just one 1000 watt light
  13. G

    My first grow and leaves are twisting to side.

    Stays between 70 and 75 with light on with it off it goes all the way down in the 50s
  14. G

    My first grow and leaves are twisting to side.

    Sorry about that thought I had attached them
  15. G

    My first grow and leaves are twisting to side.

    I'm not too sure if I'm overthinking because this is my first grow or is something wrong with my plants? I got these clones from a club and transplanted them into soil. Looking for some help or assurance. Let me know what you think please?
  16. G

    First grow leaves twisting.

    Yeah this is my first grow and I'm just not sure if something is wrong with my plant or am I just over thinking it. Let me know what you think.