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  1. mimiluhvsyou

    Hi everybody!

    Hello everyone, My name is Mimi. None of my friends smoke. Sometimes I feel like a loser for being the only one that does, but I REALLY REALLY enjoy it. I don't feel like it makes me lazy at all. Believe it or not, I get very proactive when I smoke. I either draw, paint, or practice on my piano...
  2. mimiluhvsyou

    Hi, How are you ? Greetings from FL

    haha im new here too. So glad I found a place where I belong. I would be down for a beer as well. too bad im not from around there. =(
  3. mimiluhvsyou

    best vaporizer pen?

    tell me about it.. my glass always break. Still beat the hell out of that old crack pipe globe look. I found one that is cheaper for $12.95. i think it comes with 2 coils as well, according to the picture.
  4. mimiluhvsyou

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    hahahaha ohhh its Kobra... at first glanced i thought it was something else. Wish I can get my hands on one of those though