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  1. L

    The website got filtered by all ISPs in my country so i cant access the web site without VPN or...

    The website got filtered by all ISPs in my country so i cant access the web site without VPN or similar things like that anymore.
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    Comment on strains

    I wish lol
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    Comment on strains

    Hi I am a first time grower. Planning to grow indoor in real soil and organics. Here are the strains I have. I was wondering if anyone who had experience growing the same strain or strains similar to them can give me some hints and tips on growing them. Here are the strains : Guava Romulan...
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    Newbie needs advice on soil mix

    I have not had time to transplant the 6 seedling in real soil yet. But they look ok so far. The growth rate has resumed to normal ( I think ). They all have 3 sets of leaves ( the first set not included ) and some are working on the 4th set. Thay are all 3 weeks old. Give or take couple of days...
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    Newbie needs advice on soil mix

    About the 6 seedling. I think I am gonna transplant them tomarrow in real soil. For now I ll go with a mix of those to equal amount untill I get my hand on the new supply : Potting soil Vermicompost (2-1-1) Peatmoss that is premixed with 30% perlite I don't have any molasses or Epsom salt for...
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    Newbie needs advice on soil mix

    Yeah I ve checked your thread with the cow manure and water only stuff. It was great. Lots of good info on that. So you are saying the first soil you made with the cow manure was better than the second super soil that you are currently growing in?
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    Slow release Vs. Fast release organics

    Thank you very much for the explanation. So you are saying the more variety of organics I put in the mix it's better?
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    Slow release Vs. Fast release organics

    Hi I am new grower. But I just need to find an answer. When you wana decide on what portion of what organics you wana have in your soil how do you calculate the overal NPK value of that mix? I know I can just multiple the NPK value by its portion and add em all up. But how do I factor in the...
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    Newbie needs advice on soil mix

    KRISTALONE ( 18-18-18 ) *
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    Newbie needs advice on soil mix

    After a few pages of advice from you guys and reading shit tons of other post, thread, guide, etc online I finally decided what to do. I have cousin in the north of the country. He is a farmer like most northern ppl of my country. He is in his 50s and been farming since childhood. I can...
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    How calculate NPK of organics in a mix?

    Hi there. I was just wondering how to calculate the npk of a organic soil mix. I know I can multiply them by their portion and add them together to get the total npk value but what about the slow release Vs fast release of nuts in different organics or minerals. Lets say we have a mix with...
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    Is ph up and down needed for soil grows?

    I am new grower myself but from what I gather if you have a balanced organic soil ( by balanced i mean balanced ratio of NPK and also suitable Ph which is archived by adding some kind of lime to the soil) and feed it with just recommended common organics or organic fertelizers, then you should...
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    Newbie needs advice on soil mix

    I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER checked it out. Was great. Lots of good info for me to learn about organic mixes on that thread. Thanks for the link.
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    water only

    Nice job Dr. Lots and lots of great information in this thread about organics. I sure did learn a lot from it. Could you please post the exact % of your manure base soil mix. Thanks and keep up the great work mate.
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    Can I make cucumber skin ash?

    It's to supply my soil with organic Pottasium. I've red that cucumber skin Ashe has a lot and releases them pretty fast. Like wood Ashe I guess. Idk I am a noob. I just red that somewhere.
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    Newbie needs advice on soil mix

    Yes organic all the way. I thought since I am very limited on brand known fertelizer and additives. And no coco specific nutition and such. I've decided to go with real soil and organic fertelizer. So the real soil has all the micro stuff and microbes and beneficial bacteria.also I don't have to...
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    Can I make cucumber skin ash?

    Can I make cucumber,grapefruit, and potato skin ash myself? Is it like just peeling the skin, let it dry a bit and burn it to ash? Or is it a commercial more complicatede process that I can't do myself with basic equipments?
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    Newbie needs advice on soil mix

    I found lots of new organics :) after a very long search I fond a provider for different meals mentioned in different guide and threads: Bone mean, blood mean, fish meal, kelp mean. Also found liquid and powder sea weed. Unfortunately the dosage and nutrient value of thise things are very...
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    First time growing need advice

    Not if you live in Iran. So instead of telling me post office + computer + Internet = e bay and online ordering please help me with what I have available. Thank you.
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    First time growing need advice

    I explained in my first post that I am somewhere with no e-bay home depot and such so plz work with what I have. I need to decide on the medium with what i have available i dont need the address of a place I can order it cause they are not gonna deliver here. But I do appriciate your...