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  1. Dr.Gonzales.erbalist

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    so according to this 6400 k is light of choise? or less than 3400k? what i did is like mixing these lights together , using all of them. warm and cold.
  2. Dr.Gonzales.erbalist

    Is this a male plant?

    Hi, somebody told me 5 weeks Vegging and 8 weeks for flowering , so i did that procedure but this cauzed them to grow extremly big and exceed my space limits. so if i want to keep them in the desired size and height , when i have to shift them on 12/12? somebody said when they reach 60% of...
  3. Dr.Gonzales.erbalist

    Human as a super developed life form on this planet is able to communicate even with a Plant.

    Human as a super developed life form on this planet is able to communicate even with a Plant.
  4. Dr.Gonzales.erbalist

    Is this a male plant?

    Thanks alot, cuz i shifted them too late on 12/12 and one of them turned to a monster (the one i didnt Top)and now has flowers on it , i was thinking to cut the top of it , but now i know its stupid to do it this much late, so i tie him down as possible. you know somtimes paying so much...
  5. Dr.Gonzales.erbalist

    Is this a male plant?

    Sorry about that , i was confused that day when i saw those BALLS on the plant. :D
  6. Dr.Gonzales.erbalist

    Is this a male plant?

    Hi Hugo, I was wondering , is it possible that topping a plant can cause hormonal interruption to it and make it shoot out some male flowers(in genral , not this case , because you were totaly right about new growth, looks like male flower)??
  7. Dr.Gonzales.erbalist

    Is this a male plant?

    Hi Guys, i Belive Hugo was right , they turned to tiny leaves , i will post later on. but you know im new in this and i dont have experience. it is my first time. :)
  8. Dr.Gonzales.erbalist

    Leafs curled down on the margins !!!

    My english sucks , LEAVES , sorry about that. the very tip of those are burned accidentaly touched the lamp , but the other leavs which are far from lamp curled as well.
  9. Dr.Gonzales.erbalist

    Leafs curled down on the margins !!!

    Hi guys , i was wondering why this happens, the color of leafs are normal but they just curled down symetrical arround the margins ,is it normal? if someone knows , any comment is apreciated. i have to mention that i water them every day like 400cc for a 4 litre pot of soil. and no water comes...
  10. Dr.Gonzales.erbalist

    Is this a male plant?

    Thank you for your usefull info and respond,Hugo, i belive you 100% when experience is talking.
  11. Dr.Gonzales.erbalist

    may your lungs be smoothered to sufficating by good weed.

    may your lungs be smoothered to sufficating by good weed.
  12. Dr.Gonzales.erbalist

    Is this a male plant?

    thank you Hugo, but you meen better to wait a bit more?
  13. Dr.Gonzales.erbalist

    Is this a male plant?

    i left it for several days, the more time passes it shows more characteristic of male. but i never saw before. What you guys say about it??? should i terminate it??
  14. Dr.Gonzales.erbalist

    is it ok to ash (joint ash) in your soil???

    well . tiny amount of ash , cigarrete or wood, just a teaspoon per month , spread well arround the soil will help to maintain an alkaline ph , which is favorable for MJ since they like higher ph. but more than that can harm your plant. i do this and my girls like it.
  15. Dr.Gonzales.erbalist

    Hello herbalists

    Hello herbalists