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  1. S

    Nutrient Deficiency - Low ppm run off

    Yeah 8 Gallon smart pots. 700ppm runoff? At the moment I'm at 300ppm runoff lol. Looks as though I am causing the deficiencies by under-feeding them. Plants are about 3 foot tall and have yellowing and curling and lower leaves drying up and dying. I haven't grown in hand watered coco pots...
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    Nutrient Deficiency - Low ppm run off

    Ok fair enough, but if my runoff is half of the input is that usual amount of uptake considering Im seeing deficiencies in the plants? if the uptake was balanced with the input then the runoff would be equal, would it not?
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    Nutrient Deficiency - Low ppm run off

    How much should the runoff from my plants drop by in E.C? I'm watering in 8 gallon pots with coco-perlite mix using canna coco nutes and cali magic with a total E.C of 1.2 which I have increased from 0.9 because my plants were suffering from deficiencies. When I tested the runoff the E.C was...
  4. S

    Lower leaves wilting turning yellow/brown

    To help anyone else having dramas, I have seen a bit of a recovery after flushing the shit outta the plants in the shower and then giving a light feed. The yellowing and spotting of the leaves seems to have basically ceased and new growth looks good and vigor is starting to return. My guess was...
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    Lower leaves wilting turning yellow/brown

    Strain is AK-47 and plants are about 3 weeks old. Using 130W CFL's and growing in perlite/coco (25/75) with a layer of perlite on top of the pot. I'm using cyco nutes feeding at 0.6 EC in 10 gallon smartpots. The plants started to have a bit of an issue before I up-potted them, the first set of...
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    From Hydro to Soil... Im doing it in the dirt!

    Awesome thanks for the replies, I reckon I'm on the right track now. Hoping I can regain the joy I used to get out of growing instead of this epic frustration that I have now. Deadgro - You have me pinned! Pisses my mates off I'm sure lol!
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    From Hydro to Soil... Im doing it in the dirt!

    Of late I have had terrible dramas with my hydro setup (Posted a thread in hydro section) and have decided to give a soil grow a go. I have growing experience but only with hydro and I want to try a soil grow. I have had a bit of a search through these forums and found some good info and nearly...
  8. S

    Quick question about Cyco Nutrient Line.

    Its 3ml combined. Its a two part nutrient. The feed regimes that they recommend are a bit hefty, start with half of what they say and then work your way up in EC until they start to tip burn
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    Can't progress past seedlings... #PYTHIUM

    I don't think this is the case, I have checked the rockwoll between feeds and it never gets too wet at all. The sprayer is not very close to the rockwool cube and it only absorbs moisture through the perlite (rockwool cube never gets directly wet). This time round I went really light on the...
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    Can't progress past seedlings... #PYTHIUM

    some pics for you guys in the hope it may help with a diagnosis.
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    Can't progress past seedlings... #PYTHIUM

    I did make a tea and have tried that after reading the thread on here about pyhtium by hisenberg I thinbk it was, however I didn't have access to EWC so just used Great White bacteria and fungi but now this girl I'm sorting seeing has bought a worm farm... Thinking I may need to see her again...
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    Can't progress past seedlings... #PYTHIUM

    Im so frustrated lol. I have gone over every aspect or so it seems to me. I thought this time round I was doing it the 'original' way by using RO bottled water (what I always use to do) although I did add chlorine to the RO water at just over 2ppm... Forgot to mention that I flush the system...
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    Can't progress past seedlings... #PYTHIUM

    Hi all, Unfortunately my first post is going to be about a problem that I currently have which is leaving me stumped, frustrated and in desperate need of help. This is not my first grow, I have done a few but never come across this issue before. My Problems are based around Pythium I believe...