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  1. P

    Your First Joint

    ffff like i remember lol don't normally smoke joints anyway..
  2. P


    Yeah man I definitely see growing as a good hobby. Your point about if you were growing flowers is great. Shit, flowers are less useful, and far less profitable! :P Just grow a few tomato plants too haha Toke up man! Get your hunny to smoke some too :P Might mellow her out a bit
  3. P

    Salvia is completely insane.

    It's legal in the US and can be found in some head shops... You can also get it online...
  4. P

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Bummmp! Bowl capped with some grade A hash :)
  5. P

    Round 2 Vertical: 2400 watts, Hydro AND Soil: Agent Orange, Trainwreck, Sour Diesel

    Damn dude, so over the last three days I've read this whole thread... What an amazing system! Seems like a great grow, I learned a bunch just from reading the thread! I look forward to seeing more... :mrgreen: Cheers Pip
  6. P

    THE Definitive Recipe For TINCTURE!!!

    Hehehehehehe I really wish I could do this xD I'd have my Nalgene bottle with me in every class :mrgreen: Brilliant idea.
  7. P

    Bump If You're Baked!

    *Bubble bubble bubble* :mrgreen: bongsmilie :mrgreen:
  8. P

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Had some hits from the bong... I'm stoned as hell
  9. P

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Just got me a nice little 6" tall bong for the car :mrgreen: Day 1.5, fourth bowl: Hehehehehe aweeeesome I'm hiiiiiiiigh...
  10. P

    Depression relief

    Very good points. I think you're definitely spot on on quite a few things... It certainly does piss me off how often society tells me I'm not normal, or whatever... I've never liked taking add medications either, so instead I've learned to naturally control my add. Hell, I see it as maybe it's a...
  11. P

    500 lbs of marijuana found on tour bus

    Psh 500 lbs lets see... haha if you smoked two ounces a week, it'd last like 75 yrs :P Not possible!! :mrgreen::mrgreen:
  12. P

    Depression relief

    I've been thinking about this too. I have depression/ anxiety, and I take wellbutrin (I have a thread re in here too) and I have found that weed seems to help even better than the wellbutrin. Also, the other day I had a pretty bad crash with withdrawal symptoms from missing wellbutrin for two...
  13. P

    Wellbutrin + weed = ?

    So this past Sunday and yesterday, I forgot to take my wellbutrin... I had a pretty bad crash/ withdrawal symptoms, including freaking out, arterial fibrillation, loss of appetite, and a weird rash on my arm... Smoking made all of that go away... Miracle plant!
  14. P

    500 lbs of marijuana found on tour bus

    Ooh good call! That's a pretty good explanation, I think. I think that's probably the most probably theory we've seen here so far.
  15. P

    500 lbs of marijuana found on tour bus

    Lol the shamwow commercial was just on... xD Pretty valid point... :mrgreen: I'd have to agree.
  16. P

    500 lbs of marijuana found on tour bus

    Yeah, I mean the only way I could think that would be practical is if it was 2-4 bags @ 250 or 125 lbs ea, but even then... I see no way that it could have been that condensed... It would have to be way higher volume that a duffel bag or two... Also, yeah why the hell was the bus on the...
  17. P

    Anyone ever just said F the law and...

    Yeah, for sure man. Thanks for the concern, seriously. In fact, +1 rep for that. I'm *very* careful. In fact, I haven't actually smoked on campus since last semester besides the time I mentioned above, and one or two other times where I was walking around with my bud after dark. My dumbass...
  18. P

    Marijuana Nation Show on tonight!

    Yeah, exactly. It's just so simple, they can't understand it... Such a horrible battle? Well if you'd just leave us all alone, our problems and your problems would be solved! :joint: Hahahahaha yeah, that was awesome :eyesmoke: I was wondering... Did she try any? :-D
  19. P

    Anyone ever just said F the law and...

    I've lit up my pipe in the middle of the day in this big field on campus when there were tons of people all around, but I was sitting by a tree hanging out, and I was careful about it lol. Although one time I lit a joint in my car right as I was driving away from campus, and it was smoking more...