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  1. canned hamish

    Ethics & Seeds

    You answered my question. Thanks.
  2. canned hamish

    Khalifa kush ?! The real deal or ..

    Damn what an annoying chick. Imagine if you had to hear her talk everyday. I love these "stoner girls" who have NO idea what they're talkin about. LMAO
  3. canned hamish

    Ethics & Seeds

    Says the guy who spends all his time in the politics section of a weed site. Do you even grow bro?
  4. canned hamish

    Gage Green Group Info Thread

    :roll:.... Or is it that brek hasn't been in the bodhi thread and any new member who wanders in there gets the Hammy "xray eye". Holy Balls.
  5. canned hamish

    Gage Green Group Info Thread

    reported for apartheid
  6. canned hamish

    Gage Green Group Info Thread

    Oh yah..dom mentioned you 2. said you sucked at growing but always piped up
  7. canned hamish

    Gage Green Group Info Thread

    goddamn tha butthurt is strong on u.
  8. canned hamish

    Gage Green Group Info Thread

    is this relly what yall talk about on a herb site. damn i miss the 90s
  9. canned hamish

    Gage Green Group Info Thread

    hmmmm.... Sorry big dog, don't have info on that. I can ask Dom. That's stash god given name and I refuse to call fools by some world of warcraft fantasy names. Dom was talkin shit on 2 fools but it wasn't you...mad hamis is a dickrider is all i relly heard.... he asked was that I tell yall he...
  10. canned hamish

    Gage Green Group Info Thread

    OK. Stash heard his name was all up in your mouths DAYS after his banning. He asked me to clarify a few things since he can't defend himself anymore. RE: GGG testers: Stache never asked for them (as GGG was never something he was even interested in). Mad Hamish set him up with testing for GGG...