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  1. GreenerBoB1

    Buds are forming in a weird way

    ,how many male flowers did you cut off lhe plant?
  2. GreenerBoB1

    Buds are forming in a weird way

    I've had this problem before when i took feminized plant pollen to make more seed again with the same feminized plants which made more male flowers then female made it real stringy and all screwed up
  3. GreenerBoB1

    Happy 420

    burn the fatty
  4. GreenerBoB1

    Good Clones in Sacramento?

    your best bet is to start from seed you won't get none of the bugs how are you growing indoors or out doors if your growing indoors it's a little bit more time to pick out the females i know what you're going through to find something worth your time and money I'm in Sacramento too but I've had...
  5. GreenerBoB1

    Plants already flowering will the revert?

    maybe I can help you yes they will revert back but after many months of slow growth and then it takes another 6 months or more for them to be stabilized enough to have proper growth you know when you reach this when your leaves go from single leaves during bud back to multi leaves 5 or more...
  6. GreenerBoB1

    copious green bank

    yellow jacket has an old school smell when light conditioned that 100 x stronger smell midnight blue some are so dark they almost look black median too heavy resin production even blend but still mild smoke touch of sweetness
  7. GreenerBoB1

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    looks really good looks really good I can smell it from here you do you have to worry about pest at. nz your harvest is going to be nice where I'm at I'm just putting them in the ground
  8. GreenerBoB1

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    I never had this problem until all the bats were gone now the only thing I have is my bug zapper to kill the moths and all are not attracted to it so I'm out there from dusk to two hours after dark swatting them with my electric fly swatterthis is the only way I keep down the numbers without...
  9. GreenerBoB1

    what's wrong with my plants

    my buds. didn't sparkle his year like a thousands of diamonds
  10. GreenerBoB1

    35 years ago I started smoking pot it's been my goal to produce some of most extreme pot...

    35 years ago I started smoking pot it's been my goal to produce some of most extreme pot ...copious green seed bank is my legacy puff puff
  11. GreenerBoB1

    Outdoor Bud Quality

    I agree with you
  12. GreenerBoB1

    Outdoor: in pots vs in the ground?

    minimum 5 gallons minimum if something bad happens it easier to move them around